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  1. SORA!
    ooc your in
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SORA!
    ooc-yor in ^^
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SORA!
  4. SORA!
    When Ameilia Lockhart is sent to a young offenders institute,its not what she expects : filled with friendly and non-friendly people,teachers who understand their pupils to a certain extent. But Ameilia feels like a certain group of people are hiding some sort of secret...a group of people who she thinks she knows....but how could she? she's never met any of them before.

    So when she starts falling for one boy in the group,the boy who seems to dislike her the most she cant help but try and discover what he and his friends are hiding. After following him from a party,she discovers their secret : they are angels ....that have somehow ended up on earth...she also learns why they are so fimiliar : she is one of them too...

    But as soon as she realises this,another group arrive to kill her....because it is fortold that if she joins her love interest and his friends that a war will begin and the dark side will lose.

    can Ameilia live?


    subject taught:

    Fallen angels

    age: (14-18)
    special power(s):

    Name: Ameilia 'Amy' Lockhart
    apperence: [​IMG]
    crimes: underage drinking,drunk driving,assult,breach of the peace,arseonist.
    bio: Amy's 'mother' died when she was young,thus where her problems started,her 'father' no longer knowing what to do with her sends her to the institue, she does make friends but finds trouble at almost every corner. she wishes to fight in the battle,but will have to unlock her angelic powers.
    special powers: power over ice and fire, invisiblity and force feilds.

    Name: Tobias 'Toby' Malcolm
    apperence: [​IMG]
    crimes: Jaywalking,liotering on beach after hours,underage drinking,vandelisim.
    special power: Light.

    Name:Zacharis 'Zack' Malcolm
    apperence: [​IMG]
    crimes: assult and drugs
    bio: also unknow
    specail power: darkness


    *keep it pg peepz
    *have fun
    *3 characters max
    *no powerplaying
    *dont control other peoples characters
    *dont kill anyones character without their permission.
    *post 'angel' with your character profile to show you read the rules
    Thread by: SORA!, Jul 21, 2010, 309 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SORA!
    if i make a new rp would you join?
    Profile Post by SORA! for Beau, Jul 20, 2010
  6. SORA!
    "I used to love walking around shirtless..nothing like a goodbreze on your chest to wake you up."he grinned

    "Thats gross dad..."River muttered

    she nodded
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SORA!
    "C'mon..."he muttered

    "Grandma?"Elena said rubbing her eye"did they find them?"

    "No Honey...not yet...dont worry though..."Lyra said quickly as the girls eyes pooled with tears"Your parents will be fine."

    "Uh-huh."she nodded
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SORA!
    Ok so I know I've said this a few times here but Its getting worse.

    You all know...or most do that I have a boyfriend (who I do love) and I've been with him for over a year now and Its been great...we've only had three or four major falling outs but we didnt end it.

    Then I took a class in school with a guy who I consider to be my best-friend ( I may not be his) and got really close and now I find myself fighting back certain feelings I have for him and its just messing me up.

    More than once have I wanted to tell my boyfriend but a part of me is thinking thats the worst possible thing to do. I mean the other day I was playing Call of Duty with my friend and then he said he had to go...and I missed him when he was gone, Sure I miss my boyfriend, but when myfriend was gone...I actually hurt.....I almost cried

    Call me over dramatic I may not be that Im in love with him...some might think Im too young to fall in love.....but if you have a boyfriend (who I do miss when he's not there btw) is it possible to love not just him alone? can you love another person thats not part of your family at the same time?
    Thread by: SORA!, Jul 7, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  9. SORA!
  10. SORA!
    Twelve years after Clash of the Races' the Volturi have gotten power hungry,they enjoy controlling all vampire's and through vampire's most of the magical and mystical world, but they can see that if they try to take over more than they already have,they will be stopped by what they consider to be the most annoying and troublesome group of families ever : The Cullen's and The Malfoys....Vampires and Werewolves who get on.

    So the Volturi decide that in order to take over....the Cullen's and Malfoy's must be taken out.So they manage to bring back every vampire that had ever been killed by the two families...every villian...just to destroy them. The odds dont look good as the mass army of vampire's moves forward to kill.

    Can they survive?

    Name: River Hunter Michael Malfoy
    Birthday: 31st of October.
    apperence: [​IMG]
    Bio: River,though a year away from being 30,still acts slightly childish. His temper hasnt improved in the last five years and He is not happy with the fact that they have to get help from his father's old pack, but that could just be the Alpha-wolf coming out in him. He has kept his promise of not hurting anymore family members so far and he so Rarely leaves Hermia alone,so he must have grown up a little.He's still a skilled fighter,though his age is starting to slow him down.

    Name: Elena Marie Sara Malfoy
    Birthday: 14th of feburary
    apperence: [​IMG]
    Bio: Elena is not a willing to fight as her brother is,though she will if she has too. she doesnt like the other werewolves as one,Zack, tried to use her to become the Alpha-Male. She only recently has realised her feelings from her friend Adam.

    Name: Zackary Fairchild
    Birthday: 4th of July
    apperence: [​IMG]
    Bio:He knows he hurt Elena two years ago and when they come together to work,he tries to stear clear of the youngest Malfoy,but he seems unable too,but he can see she's moved on.
    Thread by: SORA!, Jul 4, 2010, 294 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SORA!
    "Good....we might get lucky and they're all asleep or eating or something..."He said looking around the turn in the wall,he presseda button on his rod,with a soft clicking sound the point sharpened lik a spear.,
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SORA!
    "Yeah...."he muttered heading for the door "J-just keep your mouth shut Jacob..." What was wrong with him? God...why was he acting this way? was it being back in this place? must've been last night...when August put two needles in him...but what was in the second one?
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SORA!
    He snarled once more,baring his teeth

    Post by: SORA!, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SORA!
    "Whats that supposed to mean?"He snapped,a growl working its way out.
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SORA!
    "No...ofcourse he wouldnt be he hates being bested ...and your only a kid" River said
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. SORA!
    "You bit him?"River asked
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SORA!
    "Hah!"River said taking the rod back

    "I Dunno Jake " Mickey Said

    Ooc: i was thinking that river Gets a injection that makes him act like August
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SORA!
    "Yeah....but im not just gonna hit him on te snout with it....Im gonna smash his friggin' head in."

    ""Gimme that!"Mickey said snatching it from River,"before you take someones eye out."
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SORA!
    I have it.
    Read it. It was really quiet good actually,not at all what I thought it would be...didnt really like Bree in Eclipse I thought she was a pointless character, But the short second life of Bree Tanner does give readers a insight to what the commontion in seattle was like and we get a look at what Its like to be a newborn vampire so I'd give it maybe a 9.5 out of 10.I felt likethe book could have been put into chapters, I know its not very long...but all the writing does get a little wary on the eyes.
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Literature
  20. SORA!
    "Yeah, Of course I do....not easy to forget when you've lived here as long as I did."he said going to a closet,he picked something up,It was a long batton like rod,the same thing Summer had strapped to her back at the wedding"Just In case I see August..."he muttered
    Post by: SORA!, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home