"You wouldnt dare..."he said glaring at Elle,while crossing his legs over so the area was 'protected'
"No..its much worse than a b*tch that needs a good kick in the teeth.."
its cool ^^ sorry i wasnt on last night...Prom ^^ then we all kinda got drunk...lol it was like 4 in the mornning and i was drinking vodka
When Their parents go missing, Josh and Nora Shepard are drawn to Silent Hill to find them,where they encounter some other families as well as monsters set on killing them. Why here? why this town? why is it so strange with monsters? and why them? Thats what Nora sets out to find out,but the secrets of Silent Hill are ones no one can ever forget,no child or a adult even,should know of the towns horrid secrets... will they get out alive? and will they find their parents? Name: age:(16-35) gender: apperence: Bio: Name: Joshua 'Josh' Shepard age:21 gender:male apperence: Bio: Josh is a bit of a bad-boy,though he doesnt look it. When his parents go missing he is drawn to Shepard's Glen in search of them,which soon turns out to be Silent Hill. What with the monesters running around,Josh has had to learn to fight quickly,and is trying to protect his younger sister. Name: Nora Shepard age:17 gender:female apperence: Bio: Though young, Nora is a smart cookie and is the one to first think of Shepard's Glen/Silent Hill when her parents go missing,she also has had to learn how to fight as well as hide.The town scares her as she and her brother are about the find things out they should never have known.
He laughed,then He suddenly stiffend,his head whipping round to face the window,slowly he stood up to look outside,down below,was a figure,to a normal human they would only have seen the darkness,too a normal werewolf,they would only have seen certain things...like movement or something...to River,who'd been injected with some freaky a** sh*t,he could see everything. The figure, August..smiled lazily,then looking straight at River,he waved. "Oh...sh*t.."River muttered, So he did live....aw Sh*t ...Im a deadman...Im still to sore to fight back as I usually would....sh*t....f*cking sh*t....everyone's home....I have to get them out...now...there's only two words for August F*cking Physco..
I jumped to August showing up...hope your ok with that..
"Get-on-the-f*cking-train-Jor-dan!"Lyra grunted trying to shove her brother onto the train "But...its...summer!"He said,he'd stuck his arms out,so that he couldnt go in
Hi....are you still in the timewarp rp? because I was thinking of moving on a little bit..sorry I never answered...didnt know what to say ^^;
Oh right ^^
"I think I saw the first 10 minutes then I was watching the back of my eye-lids"he grinned
seriously? thats expensive sorry I left last night...my dad sent me to bed XD
"Bored out my mind....Caleb thought it would be funny to give me a chickflick to watch....god I hate mean girls..."he said shuddering.
Prom is really expensive though...thats the down fall to it..
that actually sounds pretty cool lol its orgional ^^
"Greaat....best not tell my dad....he'll freak...'Dont you ever go home with stranger again do you hear me Ocean Malfoy? It's dangerous! and to do it while you werent 100% sober is the worst....that is how your Uncle Cory was made! dont do it again...I dont care how old you are..' and so on"River said imitaiting his father's voice "He yelled at me when I did it at sixteen...and I was only around the corner."