LilBueno. He always makes me laugh ^^
FinalForm. He sometimes irritates me.
Let's be bad and stuffs.
I wish they would have kept Roy. he's my favorite Super Smash character of all time, lol. My favorite Brawl character is Kirby. he's the easiest to use, and I totally kick ass using the nunchuck.
All of the money from Disney seems to be going into Disney Channel instead of actually going into making good movies for the big screen. That seems dark indeed.
John Stamos will be guest starring as Carl, Emma's dentist boyfriend 8D I can't wait to see that, considering, in the episode "Pilot" Emma totally dissed his acting skills XD
I just watched this movie the other day. It was pretty intense. And heart-wrenching. Has anyone seen it? I liked the complexity of it. the actors were good, although some of them I didn't recognize. I was surprised by it.
You're very welcome ^^
I can't wait to see it. The action looks good, and the plot looks like it'll keep me thinking. I like movies that do that. I like 'em complex. I think the effects look good too. I'll definitely be seeing this when it comes out.
Toy Story 3. I was actually kind of tearing up towards the end. It was very touching.
I'm pretty excited about this. He kind of looks the part. I would go see it. Although, I've never seen the actor before, so I dunno. It seems so early to do a remake already, but maybe that's just me.
So, I was listening to the radio for the first time in awhile, and I heard the song hey, Soul Sister come one. Now, I never really liked the song to begin with, but then they said that the artist was Train. What happened to Drops of Jupiter, and Calling All Angels? Their good songs? I mean... seriously? The shallow pop route was not the direction I ever thought they would go. Thoughts?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame II. the characters sucked. The script sucked. Everything sucked. I was so... offended that Disney wasted an hour and a half of my life watching this movie.
Ooh, favorite Disney movies... that's a toughie. I think: 1- Lion King. It was the first movie I ever saw in a theatre, and my mom said I loved it so much that she took me to see it many times. 2- The Fox and the Hound. Loved it. I thought the fox was just the cutest thing ever. 3- Lady and the Tramp. Not sure why, I just watched it ALOT as a kid. I think i was all the puppies. I loved the sequel too. 4- The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I really liked it, and the story. It made me kinda sad. 5- Iron Will. I thought the story was great, and the movie kept me hooked the whole way through.
I used to really like Firefox, but this beta doesn't look that great. Of course, it is a beta, but still... I'd rather use IE even. @-@
I don't think it's that bad. I show off in english all the time because I'm in an on-level class when I should be in AP english, and I know I'm better at writing than everyone else. I mean, Whenever I bring a yoyo to school, I actually like to show off tricks I can do. I also bring my game systems to school... And I tend to brag about all of my game systems, but I don't think I'm annoying about it, because people still love me just as much. So I guess it kind of depends on who it is.
Oh snap, you're right. My bad. I did eventually check out Rising though, and I omg'd. It looks great. I wowed at the graphics. It looks fun, and I can't wait to get it.
Welcome welcome welcome ^^ I hope you enjoy us for the duration of your stay here on this forum. Lol, PM me or chat to me on my page if you ever need someone to talk to. You can even send me a buddy request if you want :3
I don't know who you are, but welcome back ^^ I hope to see you around the forum, and even become your friend if you want 8D Welcome back, seriously 8D
Welcome ^^ Hope you like us enough to stay lol. If you ever want someone to talk to, send me a buddy request, and we can chat it up on our pages ^^(idk why, but that sounded weird).