Search Results

  1. Nova
  2. Nova
    I am. I have a t-shirt 8D8
    Profile Post by Nova for adamboy7, Jul 5, 2010
  3. Nova
  4. Nova
  5. Nova
    Oh lol, that's cool too :glomp:
    Profile Post by Nova for adamboy7, Jul 5, 2010
  6. Nova
    I'm offended that you think we'd make a joke about that. Just so offended. :B|:

    My square button sticks like a mofo. I hate it when I'm playing Dissidia.
    Post by: Nova, Jul 5, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Nova


    Kahlan was shocked that he wasn't angry at her. She was usually so shy. I hope my lip rings weren't a bother. She laughed to herself, then smiled at Xander. "I certainly hope so..." She looked up at him, then followed. "What's your idea?"

    Jenson downed her vodka and orange juice, then went back to the pub for another. The good thing about the place was that it was on the beach. "Hey, bartender. Open up a tab fer me, okay? Give me three more." When the bartender gave her drinks, she sat and drank them one by one, her eyelids fluttering a bit after the second. What's wrong with me? Now I can't even down a few drinks without passing out? ****ing hell, man. She drank the third, and just sat, thinking about what the morning would bring.
    Post by: Nova, Jul 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home