Axel grinned, and looked up at Larxene. do you really have to ask? I mean, look at me, and all my hotness!
banned for having an avvy that makes Roxas look ugly.
Nyxie giggled. Maybe....
GOOD COVER!! *snickers* Axel isnt being allowed out of the closet until you get mansex neutered. Im sorry. Nu uh!! *guards closet*
Nyxie frowned. Nothing. Just sitting here, 'marluxia'.
Oh... in the living room... right.... SHIELD YOUR EYES, MARLY!! ((lol jkjkjkj)) Nyxie looked over at Marluxia from her spot on the red head's lap. Hey, Marly!! She greeted. Axel nodded in acknowledgement.
Mkay, i went to the rodeo today, and It was fun. anyway..... during the bull riding part, one of the riders got cought Under the bull, and was stomped on repeatedly by the big bull..... He was injured extremly badly, and had to be driven out of the arena in an ambulance. I still dont know if hes okay... i figured it would be on the news... but it wasnt..... so yeah. Just thought yall should know. pleez pray for him, I dont know him, but he is still in me prayers..... I dun like it when bull riders die.
Only cuz you know its true...[/b][/color] He sneered. Nyxie was suddenly interested in this conversation.
banned for believing in Saix month....
ya... uh... where were we?
I dont care. As long as you have less than three characters...... wait a sec.... I GET IT!! you are bringing mansex to rape Axel!! *hides Axel in closet away from rapist*
*covers ears and screams* NO HARRY POTTER TALK!! *looks around* O, A flower!!! *picks flower, and tucks it behind ear* Now i purtiful, as always!!
Axel smiled, and with his hand moved the weapon from his throat. Yeah, you heard me, apparantly. He put his hands on the back of his head and leaned back. Im Axel. Im magical....
I know... I just like saying it....
then you should be banned for making fun of a fellow genious....
Sorry, my comp is freaking out... it seems i posted it twice, and my comp wont let me edit it.... Axel laughed angrily, and shot a glare at Nyxie. Nyxie sidestepped away, lest the angry boy bit her or something. Axel looked back at Zexion. No. Now go read your porno book and leave me alone before I burn your pretty blue hair.... He muttered bitterly, cueing Nyxie palmface. ((porno book=spell book with a perverted twistXDD))
Axel and Nyxie walked out of his room, and down the hall. Nyxie looked up at her taller companion. Axie, Im really sorry about what I did to your beautiful face.. She apologized. Axel shrugged. It was just an innocent prank.. He replied dryly. Nyxie nodded. I guess... wheres Marluxia and Larxene? She asked herself, and looked around. Axel and Nyxie walked out of his room, and down the hall. Nyxie looked up at her taller companion. Axie, Im really sorry about what I did to your beautiful face.. She apologized. Axel shrugged. It was just an innocent prank.. He replied dryly. Nyxie nodded. I guess... wheres Marluxia and Larxene? She asked herself, and looked around.
banned for making fun of him for being a genius. *wags finder* THATS NOT VERY NICE.
O.o -insertpervertedthoughtshere-