OMFG CAKE!! *has a spastic attack* *feeds some cake to Wes Con*
You are mean to me..... *lays on the kitchen floor and cries* So..... I get to be Axel?! *dances in circles*
GOOD NIGHT!!! *huggles* *pets Wes Con's nose*
lol. You should be banned for letting little things like that bug you...
True.... But be careful... mansex still scares me....
Okie! But im sure a bazooka is a possible answer.... or I can just hit him with my car......
*huggles Wes Con* Its okay... he didnt mean too.... *is better.. i think* O.o, shiny! ......and now you belong to MANSEX!!!
That works! I couldnt go to sleep last night, so I was falling asleep durin the rodeo....
Oh... Then I guess I will just have to buy lots of pepper spray for xaldin.. and maybe a bazooka..... I dun like Xaldin. Nope.
*axel is petting a monster. It eats his hand.*
Exactly. I like to play James bond, and sneak up on my cat, and then suddenly appear out of no where, and have her like jump eighty million feet. Its funny.
Xemnas and Xaldin scare me... They look like rapists to me.....
Did you try going in the basement where no one can hear you and play pretend James Bond? That always gets out my energy.....
It may take a while... I still have the horse that trampled my best friend.. which is what the story is about.... *looks at the Wes Con and cries*
waking up at noon is extremly rare for me... but thats just me...
*giggles* And the pink christina aguilera monsters!!!!!
*slaps the Axelslayer* He made me mads....
I write sad story *grabs paper and begins to write*
YOU LIVE IN AUSTRALIA?? do you get to pet the Kangaroos??