Rey rolled his eyes. Any fool who is willing to call himself a knight for the glory of dying for their kingdom is an idiot in my book he thought, knowing it would be an insult if said allowed. Meanwhile... "Yuuske! Stop that recklessness! You need to be more careful!" snapped Yuuske's trainer. Yuuske's short spiky shoulder length black hair was now damp from slicing a bucket full of water in half.
OOC: Just one more thing, then I'm done. That is not a Ninja-Emo coverup Avatar! That is just a really cool looking animation!
OOC: What, make a Sephiroth Avatar Coverup so that nobody knows that in real life I am a bad ninja with dyed-purple and black emo hair but not actually emo? It's easy! Just make an Avatar from in the Dream Avatars function, then make sure you can use it as an Avi, then save it, then go to profile options and select Invis. Mode. Er, wait, just options. Well, one of the two.
OOC: 1: I know. Ain't it so GREAT?! :D 2: I hate explaining this. I'm in Invis. Mode and no matter how many times somebody pokes or jabs a cold shot at me for being in Invis Mode like Cloud8107, I will NOT come out of Invis. Mode. 'Tis the way of the NINJA...
OOC: U forgot Kingdom. :D I am such an RPist that I accuse people of even SMALL mistakes. Ha ha ha!
OOC: How you likey my new character? BIC: Rey smiled as he looked down the barrel of his gun to a rather surprised looking Sir Jonathan.
OOC: Ugh... more creativity strain and a possible early death from brain stress, HERE I COME!!! XD BIC: Rey remembered he had his gun with him and pulled it out, carefully aiming for something next to Sir Jonathan, to surprise him. He shot the tree next to Sir Jonathan. Meanwhile... Name: Yuuske Tsuyu Age: 16 Gender: Male Weapon: practice sword, but sometimes he's allowed a real sword. Kingdom: Utawaru Role: Follower Knight-in-training History: He is Rey's best friend currently under extensive training to become a knight. Other: He's somewhat clumsy.
OOC: Was there a missing knight character too, or can I make a peasant who is still training to be a knight(Follower knight-in-training)? BIC: Rey looked at the fight in front of him, too tired to hold his sword upright.
OOC: Dude, just send teh knights and have a fight or something! Sitting there won't do Sir Jonathan much good against a king with a gigantic Axe, three sword fighters, one of which is a knight and the other two are the prince and a lady. I'unno, I just throwing Ideas out. BIC: Rey looked at Kathy. "You alright?" the king asked, not even bothering to look.
Rey grabbed the back of Sir Jonathan's armor and threw him off of Kathy.
OOC: Um, I think the the four of us(King Markus, Rey, Lady Katherine and Sir Walsh) are still fighting Sir Jonathan.
OOC: I is going to continues now. BIC: Rey snarled at Sir Jonathan.
OOC: KK, you're in. :D We're starting now. BIC: Jason stood on the destroyed balcony of what was once his mansion, as millions of small vampiric creatures called Crill flew past him. Pulling out his gun, Jason jumped off the small hill and headed for his car/motorcycle, well, it was a car with a motorcycle that could be detached from the seat of the car. Jason drove off into the forest, Alana, or more formerly known as the Angel of Life, followed above Jason's head.
OOC: It's understandable. Heck, it happens to me a lot too, making up a reason to do something.
I'm just going to go into the story right now to not waste any of your precious RPing time. :D I'm nice, right? RIGHT?! STORY If you've ever played the game Darkwatch II, you'll know this well. Of course, this is actually ten years after Half-Vampire Vampire Hunter Jericho's death. Ten years after his death, a new young Vampire Slayer took up the position of Vampire Hunter, and his name was Jason Angel, the youngest of three siblings in the Angel family. He had recently obtained a slough of Vampire hunting weapons given to him directly from his step father, who at the time, Jason knew to be human but was really a full-hearted Vampire. After Jason started off his Vampire hunting career, his father secretly resurrected the Dark Vampire Lord Lazeruth, who Jericho killed ten years ago. Lazeruth unleashed a massive army of Vampires of all kind, Nosferatu, Mosquito, Fledglings, Blood Lords, you name it. Now it's up to Jason and his league of Vampire Slayers to finish the job permanently. RULES: Well, of course, I'm going to be Jason, but the first person to join has the honor of being Lazeruth or the Angel of Life that helps Jason along the way. 1: No god-modding 2: No Power playing 3: Cursing to a minimum of at least twice a post. 4: No Superman characters. 5: If somebody dies, they automatically become a human or a Vampire, meaning if you are human, you can not become a revived human again. Unless the Angel of Life gets to you first. 6: No extremely powerful weaponry, the highest you can go to is a Bazooka, but you have to start off with a slightly weaker weapon and slowly progress up to the Bazooka. 7: There are special powers your character automatically has, like Blood Fury, which allows you to go berserk, Mystic Armor, which protects from all attacks, Silver Bullet, which automatically kills a Vampire, or Double Jump, allowing you to jump twice in midair. Here's how you do it: Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Side: Weapon(s): Special skills: Partner(if you want one) : Appearance: History: Attitude: Mine: Name: Jason Angel Age: 18 Gender: Male Rank: Bringer of Light Side: Vampire Slayers(human) Weapon(s): Machete and a pistol with an Egyptian curved blade on the handle. Used for hacking off limbs and shooting. Special Skills: Blood Vision, Double Jump, Blood Fury, Silver Bullet, Mystic Armor. Partner: Angel of Life Appearance: History: Explained in story Attitude: Serious about work and otherwise just plain serious. the personality of a brick, if you want. Lanihead7: Name: Jasmine Age: 17 Gender: female Rank: Binder of life Side: Vampire Slayer Weapon: Silver Sais Special skills: Blood Fury Apperance:. History: She was born and tried being killed by her own father but she escaped. She now roams all over with her sais she found. Attitude: Shy but Nice
Glancing at Sir Walsh, King Markus said "See what I mean?" then grabbed his Axe and held it in front of him.
"Yes, but the fact is he might as well be told to cough up his lungs." King Markus said well aware of how hard it usually is to get information from the other side.
King Markus held his Axe behind his head and Rey kept his sword ready. Rey started to run at Sir Jonathan, but was stopped by King Markus. "Not yet." King Markus said.
OOC: A knight person from your kingdom.