OOC: In MY case, probably both.
Bradley smiled at another successful escape. Looking at his phone, he noticed he had a message from Jack.
Bradley smiled and stabbed the ground with his Teleport-All Materia, a large burst of light emitting from the ground. Bradley quickly jumped on his bike and rode away.
King Markus landed a harsh blow from his Axe as hard as he could swing the approximately 120 pound weapon into Sir Jonathan's chest. And King Markus made the Axe seem like a feather at times. Mainly because of warfare that had raged through Utawaru.
Chronix ran through the tunnel, his arm holding the sword illuminating the walls as he ran. He made sure to keep enough light so that the other two could see.
OOC: Cool, thanx. But I won't use them often. BIC: Bradley smiled. Pulling out a small blue-white spherical glass object, he shoved it into his hand and it began to glow.
King Markus smiled when the arrow came in. Ever since that one day when a friend of his gave a battle signal with an arrow, he had used that to trigger the fighting. "The next one is more than I have got." King Markus said, grabbing his Axe.
"FOOL! Ooh, you'll pay for that! I'm gonna freakin-" King Markus stepped in and kicked Sir Jonathan.
Rey ran at the knight.
Rey snarled at the Zinchuri knight. "Why are you so close to Utawaru lands?"
Chronix lit his blade and kept it that way. "Here, have some light" he said, holding his flaming sword to the air. Jack stabbed the ground and a nova of holy light burst from the ground. Then, with one last smile, Jack disappeared. "Well, that was unexpected." Chronix said. Holding his blade up, Chronix went for the door, the last cannibals following.
OOC: Hi, just got back from school. BIC: Rey jumped off his horse and grabbed his sword, holding it at ready just in case.
Rey yawned as the trip wore on, but he kept his mouth closed.
OOC: As in support Materia, Independent Materia, Magic Materia, Summon Materia... Anything to help your character when they desperately need it, per se. Like Independent Materia to help your character in fights, Support Materia to help with weapons and armors, Magic Materia just to have fun with spells, Summoning Materia o have some backup in battles... You get the picture, right?
OOC: Are we allowed to have Materia? BIC: Bradley ducked and some strands of his hair was cut off in the process.
OOC: Well, FINE then! meh! Jk Jk. :D
OOC: Shoot. BIC: Bradley looked up and jumped back as the impact came closer.
OOC: ... ... ... ... Maybe?
OOC: KK, thankie.