Your health in exchange for your arm. Hmm... seems fair enough :3
To Be or Not to Be, that is the Question. Not really xD Do you like dancing in the rain?
Oh okay, I think I get it now. Well if they are talking about paradise, maybe that is what they hope to return to. Things got so hectic after leaving Destiny Island, they crave going back and being in paradise together.
I made a Voldemort Mii on my Wii xD
Does anyone else like them? I've known about them for a few years now and they are one of my top favorite bands. The music they write, especially the guitar parts, have a characteristic so strong I can spot one of their songs from about a mile away. So what do you think of them?
It's an okay song if you are looking for a good laugh, but otherwise I can't seriously listen to this song.
You're waiting it out at home. If someone invites you to roam the countryside, killing zombies, you'll turn them down politely. Cars run out of gas, bikes aren't safe enough, and horses are easily spooked. It's dangerous to venture out in public during a zombie invasion, so you'll stay home instead. You've probably got enough food, water, books and board games to keep you fed and entertained for quite a while. If the zombies come a knockin', you'll fight them off, but for now… who's up for some Scrabble?
I only just found out about this recently and when I went back to check I saw that her pics were everywhere. It's amazing I never noticed that before; suppose I just never really payed attention to the screen =/
Riku was possessed by a Heartless in KH1 but he never really became one. Kind of like his body was taken over but his heart wasn't.
Yep, that line reminds me of two things: Shrek and L
Just PM Mother (myoblivion), and I'm sure she'll let you in once she gets it. ^_^
Hiya, I'm kinda here. And by kinda I mean it's 3am where I'm at and I am wondering why the heck I'm still online >.< But yea, either way, hi!
The Princess Diaries movie series didn't go over so well with me (I used to be a big fan of the books >.<). The first one was somewhat accurate and tolerable, but the second movie was so off it was mortifying.
Well now I know what I'm looking forward to... *sweatdrop*
Aw, the music stopped. Now I'll never know when you post D:
A phasmida.
Actually I really do like your handwriting, I was going to comment on it but figured you'd rather hear about you drawing as opposed to your writing xD
I should get myself preggo now, then when the book come out I'll know exactly what to do =D
I've only ever seen the first one, but that was ages ago. I really ought to rewatch it then watch the second one.