Mine is so long but I'll try anyway. No Orphan Babies On Doorsteps In Earth's Solar System Have Any Disqualities Observed With Xemnas. o.O
Sora all the way. Nothing can surpass his cuteness :3
Either they were destroyed along with the castle or they somehow managed an escape. It would have been helpful if there was some sort of clip of them during the ending credits. It would love to see them get their due justice, or some sort of other demise. xD
Since Sora is the possessor of the Keyblade, it gives him the ability to summon it at will. If you ever notice, sometimes Sora will be walking around without any trace of keyblade on him, then once a heartlesss/nobody appears it will just materialize in his hands. I must say, it's a pretty nifty trick.
I'd have to go with Demyx, he seems to have a backstory that I wish the game would go into. All we've got is this eccentric personality and no clue why.
I like the 'We'll go together' line too. Most of the characters love doing everything together in this game. xD
Me likeith the green.
Mine was great. I hung out with new people and wore knee-high boots for the first time. xD
Well my all time favorite band is Panic! at the Disco, though next in line comes Shinedown, The Beatles, Flyleaf, Evanescence, and Dave Matthews Band.
Well plans changed for me and now I'm dressing up as a smexy school girl :3
I've never heard of that term until just now, therefore I pick the last option.
Green .
What is your most favorite morning beverage?
Meh, it's okay I guess, kind of long IMO. The techno beat in the beginning is pretty cool.
xemnas_15 .
That really is creepy, though I wonder why the lady would call the police instead of just opening the door. Wow, I just got the heebie-jeebies from reading that >.< It's a good story for around Halloween time though.
I've seen one scene from in where some guy is jumping off a roof. Just that one bit I saw was pure amazement so I can only imagine how awesome the whole thing must be. xD Though I doubt its at my local library so it'll most likely be a while before I'm able to see the whole thing.
Well I haven't seen the whole thing (missed the beginning when it was played on TV) but what I saw of it was great.
Well this is a toughie, but I think I'll go with Green Day since I've known about them the longest.
The one They choose.