Oh I know about the Roman Numeral thing, I'm just talking about the individual member's name. Roxas, Axel, Demyx, Xigbar...etc.
Sora all the way, there are very few things I dislike about him :3 But then Kairi comes in second after him because I feel I can sometimes relate to her.
I love Sora because he is quirky, cute, and adorable. :3
Well I don't know much about the clothing (could just be coincidence), but X often symbolizes something unknown or perhaps a mistake. Thats why I think Organization XIII have the X in there name. As to the clothing and necklaces though, X is a very common shape/image, just look around the room you are in now and I'm sure you'd find some.
Yea, the hands were so time consuming. It took me ages to figure out the positioning for all the fingers. xD I thought about coloring it but I was afraid it might ruin the picture. I hate when that happens ;_;
Lol, very sneaky 400th post xD
xD You have no idea how difficult it was to not laugh out loud at that. I could have woken my parents D:
The forum's ex-RPer (for now) :3
Yes, thanks for that comment, twas very helpful :3
Yea I used a regular #2 writing pencil, which looking back probably wasn't a good idea. It got dull fast and I didn't even think to sharpen it >.< But thanks for that :3
Hiya everyone ^_^ Look, I drew a pic earlier today --> http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=33288 It's nothing special but I hardly ever find the chance to draw anymore so now I'm happy :3
...At least not excessively for the past two years. But I drew this earlier today and decided to post it: I'm pretty sure that the upper and lower part of the body are out of proportion and I know I need to get better pencils, but that's all that really stuck out to me. So what do you all think?
Febreeze kills my nasal cavity D:
The forum's Luna lover.
It really depends on size, Kairi could definitely defeat fifty of the smaller/medium sized heartless. But she'd be up against her luck fighting Behemoths and such. =/
'Unwritten' by Natasha Bedingfield. Story of my life.
It was actually me <<
Oooh I really like the hair and crown Rosey =D
A gingerbread cookie :3
Yea I noticed all those doodles as well, though I'm completely baffled as to how they knew to draw Donald and such. It's probably just some form of foreshadowing. I love the face on that rock upfront though xD