Darn, I thought the face would have actually been drawn on. That would make for an interesting pic xD
I'm wearing a secret. Victoria's to be exact.
My all-time favorite movie is '10 Things I Hate About You' and I love it because every two seconds something ridiculously hilarious happens, and it never gets old.
I remember reading about all that ages ago. It's truly amazing and miraculous that she got the part. I doubt anyone could have done a better job.
Some of the saddest things I know come out of books, I just cant help it ;_; Not all the time though, just when I'm really into a story and something depressing comes up.
I like their Chicken Caesar Salad. I know it's just as fatty as the rest of their food, but it is simply too good to resist. =o
I like... Puddin' Pie! =D
Don't be startin' arson you Dx
Awww, L is so cute! << >> And I want that apple...
I once made a test tube explode under the heat of a Bunsen Burner. Whoops <<
A guy in the grade below mine started getting all pervy with me. Yep, I whacked him good =D
Heh, thanks ^_^ Night!
It's rather dark where I am :P 7:30pm Oh, and I finished my entry for the contest ^_^ http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x41/NobodiesShadow/img043.jpg Rock On! *Runs off to PM Mother*
What is your favorite hair color?
That's Hot ;D jk Though apparently some dudes were making out at my school today too, I hope that wasn't you <<