Zack!!! He Is Cool he Sacrificed him self to Defeat The Shinra Soldiers
I'm fine Bro, how bout' the others?
Yo i'm your younger BRO and You must Be my SISTER
Yo, Brothers and Sisters I'm BACK ^_^ How's everybody doin????
and the damn thing is the DS 's range is only 30 meters...
lol his lexicon is better
Xaldin is dangerous.... he even can make a dragon with his spears
or he'll suck you to his book just like in final mix zexion is a blue mage i agree with icsp
What The Hell, on Earth Is This game??? Got it memorized?
Yo, i'm here to talk about Zexy, it sez that Nomura has a problem in Zexy's Lexicon... And How Supposed Zexy To Attack???? throw a book?,Illusions,Copy a Weapon??
Hey, do you guys don't even Care about Xiggy, Lexy, Vexie and Luxy?
What about Creating Replica from a DATA?
Yeah, And he also Copies the Riku's SoulEater
i'm always dressed like Zexy every day
I only have A Ps2 Slim and Ps2 Normal I'm going to buy DS I"M SURE OF IT
Yo! I'm going With Zexion, lexaeus and Vexen The Basement Crew
Hey what about Vexen???
How is Zexy are gonna uSe lexicon? it'll be weird
Yo! I'm Going To Buy DS in My BirthDAy!!! YAY!!! And Play AS ZEXY In 358\days!!!! Who wants to be Co-Op With Me??? please i need partner...btw my birthday is october 5.
Damn, It sez Kh 358\days will release 2008 october or november or Desember?