I see Buy Ramen and drink water, for caffeine...soda works, but coffee works also. And an Apple gives you much more caffeine then soda and coffee does. or just use 5 HOUR ENERGY (inb4uselessproductplacement)
I've know this...since last year. But I think he bowed out from last years match.
Crazy Ninja Massacre >_>
Ash's dad is shown in a flashback. [HES A FREAKING GENERIC PERSON]
I dont think a Medium sized pizza is a snack nor is a 2-liter coke...
I suspect this is your doing, Professor Layton?
Are you...trying to rap?
Why dont you eat a snack?
totally... not cool
Hi there... Bored...
I am really surprised I won...I though Harriet was going to win for sure...
Hi there First Impression and Impression Now? How did you get into doing music? Fave. Clothing Style?
I am fine, so what are you doing today?
DX But... Chaos is so freaking hard...THREE BATTLES?!?! And I only get to the second battle and get insta-raped by his HP attacks. He doesnt even let you get up from the ground >_>
Link me please?
Ohai.....How are you Gatz?
Hmm, have you tried talking to him/her?
I have not ventured once into the code vault, yet it seems it gets more drama then the spam zone.
I tried what you have said and it work, thanks ^_^ This can be closed now.
I see, that is really the highlight of the series -_-