Nothing at all.. its 1:41 am and I am bored.. D:
:lolface: it looks corny IMO...but good storyline. The story makes me want to see it.
Hello there, havent spoken to you in awhile.
Oh yeah the QWERTY keybord.. My phonehas that..its pretty easy
I see, if you do ever see her, she might kill you..but before having hot steamy sex with you... Jennifer's Body...
I have that Flute in my closet... O_O
Your GIF in your sig distracts me....
So you like Megan Fox? I just relized that was unfair because she was in Undergarments and the 2nd one wasnt... Oh well
Oh silly, People lie all the time :3
I have unlimited texting also.. no yellow pages T_T
because im bored... This girl?: Spoiler or This Girl?: Spoiler
Hi thereeeeeeee
That, my good friend, is called RAPE and not the good kind, because there is no goodness in it.
I dont get how FF7 is the greatest game of all time
Oh my....the crackness of the crackberry has gotten to you
Yay, your legal for people to have sex with you over the age of 18 also!
D: It would be cool, but you dont need to. Im going since it will be my first con ever
Dx Awwww...why didnt you get a less expensive phone?
*A* I got sick and couldent go DX I am making it up by going to the con, though it would be cool if you went : D
I am fine, enjoying Dissidia... Lucky you gtting a Crackberry... I have a decent phone though