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  1. Rayku
  2. Rayku

    I love how

    I've always talk to you...

    sometimes Im scared though, your profile makes me think its gonna eat me.
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Rayku
  4. Rayku
    The games and the show are not canon...They are not tied to in anyway. Tey re in te same universe..but not the same main, since you can change the trainers name/gender.

    The games are more tied to the manga though.
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Rayku
    This movie is a modern re-telling of Beauty and the Beast in New York City..

    Here is the BOOK summary:
    Kyle Kingsbury, rich, handsome and popular, is turned into a beast when he plays a mean practical joke on a distasteful girl in his class, who is really a witch named Kendra in disguise. The witch then curses him for his cruelty. He starts to turn into a beast, however because he performed a small act of kindness shortly before his transformation - he gave an unwanted rose corsage to a girl working a ticket booth - she gives him two years to break the spell. The only way he can turn back to normal is if he truly loves a girl and gets her to love him in return, proving the love with a kiss. Kendra later offers Kyle further aid by giving him a magic mirror that shows him whoever he wishes to see. He is locked in a mansion-like apartment by his shallow, image-obsessed father. His only company is his housekeeper, Magda, and, at his request, a blind tutor named Will. Kyle has two years to truly fall in love with someone and earn their love in return, or remain a beast forever. After a year of being in this state, and trying and failing to find love, Kyle changes his name to Adrian to reflect his feelings of being a completely different person from the conceited, materialistic boy he used to be. When a robber stumbles into his garden Adrian offers him a deal; he won't report the robber to the police if the robber brings Adrian his daughter, Linda. She is Adrian's last chance to break the spell before his two years are up.

    Adrian realizes that Linda is the same girl he gave the rose corsage to. He fixes up a room for her, leaving roses and books for her to amuse herself with. When she arrives, she at first wants nothing to do with him as she feels he kidnapped her. As time passes, she slowly warms up to him and he finds himself falling in love with her. The two begin to have tutoring sessions together and during winter they go to a lodge. Shortly before the last year is up, Linda wishes to see her father once more. Adrian lets her see him with the magic mirror and she finds that he has become sick through drug use. Adrian quickly lets her go to him and offers for her to return to the apartment in the spring if she desires, this time as a friend and not a prisoner. On the last day of the second year, Adrian looks for Linda in the mirror and sees her being dragged into a building by a man. He rushes to her rescue and is shot in the process. As he lays dying, he asks Linda for a kiss. She kisses him, breaking the spell and turning back to normal. He explains everything to Linda and the two go back and live in the apartment together. Because of a deal Adrian had made with Kendra, through his curse being broken Will regains his sight and Magda is allowed to return to her family. Kendra meets the two and reveals that she herself is Magda, punished to remain a servant forever because of her careless spellwork. Because of the bargain, she can now return home as well.

    Throughout the story, Adrian chats online with a support group for various transformed people. Other members are Froggie (a prince turned into a frog), SilentMaid (a mermaid trying to decide if she should sell her voice for legs to marry a sailor), and GrizzlyGuy (a man turned into a grizzly bear, as in Grimm's Snow White and Rose Red). As the story progresses, Silent Maid decides to go through with the transformation and nearly wins the sailor's heart, but ultimately loses him to another girl. Because of the deal, she will turn into sea foam but after three hundred years will go to heaven. GrizzlyGuy is turned back into a human after he meets Snow White and Rose Red and Snow White helps him kill an evil dwarf. Froggie meets a princess who agrees to kiss him after he retrieves her lost Game Boy.
    Major Spoilers

    Movie Summary, Staring Vannessa Hudgens and Marey Kate Olsen:
    Kyle Kingson (Alex Pettyfer) has it all – looks, intelligence, wealth and opportunity – and a wicked cruel streak. Prone to mocking and humiliating “aggressively unattractive†classmates, he zeroes in on Goth classmate Kendra Hilferty (Mary Kate Olsen), inviting her to the school’s extravagant environmental bash. Kendra accepts, and, true to form, Kyle blows her off in a particularly savage fashion. She retaliates by casting a spell that physically transforms him into everything he despises. Enraged by his horrible and unrecognizable appearance he confronts Kendra and learns that the only solution to the curse is to find someone that will love him as he is – a task he considers impossible.

    Repulsed by his appearance, Kyle’s callous father (Peter Krause) banishes him to Brooklyn with a sympathetic housekeeper (Lisa Gay Hamilton) and blind tutor (Neil Patrick Harris). As Kyle ponders how to overcome the curse and get his old life back, he chances upon a drug addict in the act of killing a threatening dealer. Seizing the opportunity, Kyle promises the addict freedom and safety for his daughter, Linda Taylor (Vanessa Hudgens) if she will consent to live in Kyle’s Brooklyn home. Thus begins Kyle’s journey to discover true love in this hyper-modern retelling of the classic “Beauty and the Beast†story.

    I will like this movie, though the canges make me upset...a bit.
    Thread by: Rayku, Sep 3, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Rayku
    I was trying to find a DC one of this...but no luck.

    I was like "FUUUUU Marvel Bookbag, must get"
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Rayku

    Schools gonna be fun.
    Thread by: Rayku, Sep 3, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Rayku
  9. Rayku
    I was hoping for someone to adress this..

    It's MIGHT be photoshopped
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Rayku
  11. Rayku
    Profile Post

    Oh your so silly...

    Oh your so silly...
    Profile Post by Rayku for Captain Hero, Sep 3, 2009
  12. Rayku
  13. Rayku
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Rayku for Captain Hero, Sep 3, 2009
  14. Rayku
  15. Rayku
    wooo, that doenst seem bad
    Profile Post by Rayku for Captain Hero, Sep 3, 2009
  16. Rayku
  17. Rayku
  18. Rayku
    Profile Post

    High School 11th grade

    High School 11th grade
    Profile Post by Rayku for Captain Hero, Sep 3, 2009
  19. Rayku
  20. Rayku
    I think Doug was funny...

    Skeeter being blue when everyone knew he was black, Patty was going to become a whore and have his (that kid that was like the bully? I forgot his name)...Love child.
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone