Come on Luna wake up.
Sexual art.:D O-o
Alright next time I go to a restraunt I will try one of you tofu burgers. Whats in tofu anyway?
But I like my stomach. :D ah I am eating some steak anyway. I don't need to eat a bunnie. :P
"Well as I said I am Eve, prince of the plant molders. I am almost considered to be a master molder all I have is one more challenge before I am ranked a master, and that is to give a plant a personality. I have just met Kurt like a day ago, and he asked me to come and help him find you, so I agreed. But soon after we experienced a small sound wave from who knows where. Ummmm, and we got an inn after seeing hundreds of begging villagers. And that’s about it.†Eve said.
*raises eyebrow* Fine I'll just go eat a rabbit. O-o jk I don't hunt.
"You might? That doesn't sound too promising." Eve said petting Flame Burst.
He has a human slave who types whatever he says. Oh and the human can speak ass!
Yeah your right, your an ass.
Well now your home. And now you can't leave, ever.
Yeah, but its just nature. Animals have to kill other things to survive. Whether it be a plant, or an animal. I love animals, but I got to eat....
Gah, but you can't hunt tofu!! Can you??! O_O
Gah the only religion I like is buddism, except for the whole hell thing. Brb, I got to set up the grill. I LOVE MEAT!!!! :D lol
Damn. That must hard. Do they teach evolution at your school at least? If not then I imagine seeing zombies in your school. "All repent. All...
OOC: Well I once had a dream that I was baby pig living on a farm! Oink, oink, oink!!! :D
I would never go to a religious school. I wouldn't be able to deal with all the bigotry. I never wanna go back to being religious, it did...
>_> <_< Wow couldn't you have bet your soul instead of mocking MJ? O-O
Well I only have one year to till the end of high school, so I have already chosen what I want to major in. I am thinking that zoology would be...
OOC: Lol. We have you now! :D BIC: Who is she smiling at? I hope it isn't Kurt; I really don't need any competition. Wait is she smiling at me? Nah, I don’t think she would smile at me. I don’t look like any prince charming. Is it my long hair? Is it funny or something? No, wait. I think she is smiling at the wold. Can't blame her, who doesn't love fluffy animals? Eve then waited for Kurt to start explaining things; after all Eve only came on this mission so he could hang with Kurt.
Thats a lot of slashes! I mostly right on the computer since I have the worst handwrighting ever. I can't sing, but I do play the euphonium very...