Ah, I am thinking about majoring in zoology. It sounds like the best field for me since I am loosy with mechanics.
What are you majoring in?
I am going to be going driving real soon. I got a moped and I hope I will to be able to ride it before school starts. :D Hey Pezz do you go to...
Mother nature. No one can beat the almighty Goddess of Khvids!
I am back :) What is up?
Hi Leon. What is up?
Ah, it seems the queen needs some help with some watcha ma call its. Be back by tea time. lol
*british accent* Jolly ol' day eh govener?
Lol same with my charecter. Oh and just to let you know if your charecter starts to think ofKurt as more than a friend, my charecter will be...
Eve hand almost moved to his sling shot, but then he remembered that was not his mission. "I am Eärendur Eve Vardamir, prince of the plant molders, and I don't work for people like the king!" Eve said shocked that she would even think that he looked like a mercenary who was just up for hire by anyone with money.
Hello Garxena. Its nice to finally be able to rp with you. :D
I don't know if she is going to go for this, then again what do I know? I thought that ball was a portal. Maybe Kurt should drop his scythe. Aren't we supposed to bow or somthing when asking a princess a question?
OOC:You mean like princess Zelda!!! LOL BIC: I don't think she is going to tell us who she is. She looks like one of those independent princess types. Finally opened his mouth "So you don't want our help? Well then maybe you can help us." Eve said.
OOC: What do yah know a talking bubble! BIC: Eve stayed silent; he was never good with starting a heart to heart talk. He could never figure out why, maybe it was just in his nature to fight. After all he did grow up in a forest, not a palace.