Reaper: "What is a 'pedo bear'...?" Dark: "Well, when a man and a woman-" Reaper: "I said 'What's a pedo bear' not 'were do babies come from' you twit!"
Has the worst avitar ever. Riku should so hold a bomb with that look.
That sounds like a plan to me. Oh, you're no fun.
The question is, why wear feet when you have shoes?
Has -300 rep points.
Hmmm... Paranoia..... :sleepy: OH NOES! D:
Actually, that's true. Tells me a lie about myself.
Is my father's brother's cousin's kid, twice removed.
Ah... Lost...? ok, ok. Tales of symphonia. work, yes?
Think "Tales of Pedophilia."
nope. not at all. XD Is my lil' bish.
Naw. I's a turtle [IMG]
Of what, exactly?
XD lol. Almost. Wants life as we know it to freeze over
Don't worry, I didn't eat so much to the point I throw up. I practically have 2 stomachs.
Bleh... I had too much..
srry. the party bag full of candy hasn't kicked in yet. I'm sleppy...
That's pretty extensive, there. Is Chuck E. Cheese.
no. just that its an american/ english word.
doubt it. :/