If you don't suspect anyone, then do you have anyone that you think seems especially town like?
Already heard it.
@Spike You didn't reply to me yet? Will you help?
Why not go ahead and vote for her then? May as well start now with less than a day left Day's end.
Bottom of the 'How to Play' spoiler in the OP:
I mean the plan I just proposed, to have at least one person on soft lynch and two others at 3 votes, forcing mafia to polarize.[DOUBLEPOST=1415668543][/DOUBLEPOST]If so, who would you vote for? Candidates so far (by content and posts combined) are: Trigger, Spike, Calxiyn.
I'd to hear what you have to say about my current plan, and if you will vote for any of the other inactives to help.[DOUBLEPOST=1415668312][/DOUBLEPOST]like to hear* Sorry.
That's fine. Your current vote is good for us anyway. But you need to contribute more if you want to live tomorrow.
I don't really care which it is from among those. We actually can't get them up to soft lynch, but we can get them up to 3 votes (which is good enough for our purposes).
The rules state that if people have equal votes, the latest one to get a vote wins. The more people we have available for easy soft-lynching, the better the chances that one of them is mafia. If our current target is mafia, then it's likely one of the mafia will switch votes at the last minute onto one of the other lynches, or some such. What actually happens can be more nuanced than that, but basically, we can tell who is willing to lynch who on a wider scale than one at a time. It's like my original 'we should pressure with soft lynches' post, but it makes full of the fact that we more than double the amount of mafia.[DOUBLEPOST=1415665432][/DOUBLEPOST]full use of*
Tears for Fears?
Whew... Close one.
Midnight is viewing the thread. If she doesn't say anything then I guess it's not hammer and The Fuk? is confirmed not hated.[DOUBLEPOST=1415664541][/DOUBLEPOST]If you don't know what to do, I suggest going back to your old votes, @Mish and @Spike. The bigger our net, the more people we can rule out come tomorrow.
Well, there you go, @Mish. Spike, we only require 4 votes for soft lynch. Seven to hammer it in right now and kill the day early. If The Fuk? is hated, this is hammer time. Please don't do that without thinking. @Mignight Star, @Ars Nova: Is this hammer?[DOUBLEPOST=1415663757][/DOUBLEPOST]@Midnight Star * My bad.
I believe it would be necessary. The only way that a hard lynch is impossible right now is if two mafias are already on the wagon. If that is the case, then it might be wise to tone it down a bit because of that. If only one or no mafias are on the wagon, then a hard lynch is possible. If that is the case, then it might be wise to down a bit because of that. The 'soon'-ness is irrelevant when you say that you won't be here to take your vote back later. If mafia hammer it, they'll probably try to do it when you aren't here. By both adding that vote and stating your schedule, you handed them the lynch a silver platter, so to speak.
@Trigger: Didn't mean to be rude with that last sentence. Meant that if you didn't understand that Mish was unavailable from the time she made that post until Day's end, it would explain the whole disagreement. But I see Mish viewing the thread now. Is there hope after all? Please address my points regarding the hammer/split vote logic specifically, @Mish.
I don't recall asking for a defense, but thanks for posting. How do you feel about the The Fuk? lynch?
The same reasoning applies to Spike, and she reasoned that posts matter more for activity. She did a complete 180 in a span of minutes and didn't care if there was a hammer. There isn't much else to say.[DOUBLEPOST=1415661521][/DOUBLEPOST] I did ask her. She disappeared and said she will not be back until after the Day is ended. Maybe your reading comprehension is the issue.
Yes but she just made it possible to hammer The Fuk? for no reason and her reasoning for doing it was that she would not be able to come back and stop the hammer from happening? It doesn't make sense. The logical thing to do is keep her vote on Spike so that that neither can be hammered in but they both have a good shot at being the lynch target.