Carelessness by Fair
And that somehow makes you entitled to **** on people who choose other lanes?
Not your fault. KS's white liberal guilt backfired and made him feel entitled to mock people.
Oh my god. Not again.
It's still used to mean 'implausible' or 'outside common understanding'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer
Transphobia discrimination is different from homophobia. So is biphobia; and so on. Queer is an umbrella term for minorities in sexual orientation, gender, and so on issues. Queerphobia is pretty good umrella term for fear of anything non-cis in these regards.
That's what I mean. Links to everything you use from tools to config setups/files. Thanks a lot.
Anyone. I claim the right to refuse to hire anyone who is not a Satanist.
Spoiler: Anarch-socialism is better.
Can you give me your entire setup as that goes? I'm really jealous.
Christhors need not apply.
This is not the place for this, but... That other side is some kind of legal framework forcing the company to hire queer workers. The mindset of the other employees and management at those companies will not change just by forcing them to live with it. If such a law is passed then queer people will not be welcome as a matter of culture and will quit on their own instead. Pick your poison.
I call it All Hallows Eve. As it is supposed to be.
Crazy Tom from The Talented Mr. Ripley
I didn't know you were a black Californian.
Oh Sister by Ghost Mice