Ohhhhh ._. xD Colors!!! 8D
Namine walked out of her room of the nobody castle. She was lookign around for her drawing. Larxene walked out of her room also at teh same time. They were right across form each other. Namine and Larxene collided. Larxene hit the floor just the same as Namine. ''What was that for!'' She yelled loudly at Namine. Kairi ran to the boats and hurried off to the island. She searched everywhere for Sora and Riku. Where are they!
Kiko sat on the roof. She sighed and looked around.
''Im good, you?'' She said back smilen. She waited for the morning anoncements. Finally a voice filled into the room. ''Zen plz report to the principicals offie right away.'' Angel was started. She looked at Zen.
OOC- Palidin is right ur good at this. Im kinda new to Death note rps xD IC- Koian woke up the next morning. She turned in the bed before getting up and out. When she got out of bed she put all her stuff into her bag getting it ready for class. Yawning she fixed and brushed out her hair. Koian changed into cleaner clothing and grabed her bag. It was about 8:00 AM and she had to get breakfest before her first class. When Koian got to the Cafeiteria her eyes widen. It was amazing to her, 2 Cafes, 1 Smothie Shop, 1 Ice cream Shop, and 2 Pizza Reias. It was liek food heaven on earth. She walked to a Cafe called Starbucks. She was familier with this cafe. Starbucks was from America and such. She went to the register and ordered a Slice of Pumpkin Bread and a Decaf Grand Latte with a cinnimon twist. Seh payed and waited for her drink to be done. When it came shetoke her food and drink to a nearby table. She sat down and began to eat her food. There were a few other students here but they were doing late work or something.
OOC- Idk ill start! IC- Namine stomped down the hall shouting loudly, ''Where are my missing crayons!'' She kiked the walls and doors of the dorm hall in a hissy fit. Tifa and Yuffie looked up at the castle they found. Tifa wispered to Yuffie ''What you think whos castle it is?'' ''I dotn know..'' Yuffie wispered back.
OOC- Cool, i knew there was a rule like taht! IC- Koian by now was in her dorm room. She wasnt sleep but was talking on the phone with a friend in America. ''Yea.. Japan is a drag..'' She said into the phone. ''Why did u even bother to go there?'' The friend asked her. ''Well.. You know.. i told u already..''Koian said yawning. ''Oh right.'' The friend replyed. ''Well G'Night.'' She said hanging up before a reply. Koian laid down on her bed reading a magizine from America. At mid-night Koian heard loud foot steps running down the hall. What was that? She put her robe on and steped out side opening the door. She didnt see anyone but heard a door slam. ''That was weird.'' She said to herself. Koian turned around to go to bed but she saw something in the corner of her eye. She turned her head. Weird.. She saw nothing changed, she saw her notebook on her desk her pen on the side of it and such. ''It was nothing..I need to get soem sleep.'' She said getting in bed. She closed her eyes and feel asleep.
She stomps on the roof loudly in a hissy fit.
Koian smirked happily. She was in a tree watching the whole thing. ''Well... Well... Well.. Rikku has been captured.'' She says hoping off and watch where the dragon goes. She forms a little dark ball. She throws it up at the dragon. It sticks to it nicely, the ball wont come off until she find it. As she walked following the dragon slowly the little dark ball soaks into the dragon.
''Nah...I dotn feel like it..'' She said shrugging.
Koian was standing right above Reji. ''Well.. I came to see what was happening and i fine this..'' She says pointing out Reji.
My school is medium! xD
ooc- u finally pointed that out... well its true but only 1/300 chance maybe
Koian was watching thw whole thing. Interesting.. She jumped out of the tree Rikku was leaning aginst. She ran towards the broken city fast. She stoped and saw Vane and Reji. ''What are you two doing?'' She yelled at them. She was walking to them.
Im a OK drawer but i cant draw feet! >_<
Koian hears strange sounds from inside. She freaks out a little. She jabs the shadow ball into the shack. It caves in and explodes a bit. It falls to nothing and they are traped inside. Koian thinking what ever was in there is dead jumps back onto her tree.
When should be begin?
O_O TO MANY FEATHERS! (i saw the pics ;]) and i know xD
Koian hears the sound of a door bursting off. What the heck! She jumps off teh tree landing on the floor safe. The shadows around her come to her and circle in her palm again. She is ready to blow the shack away.
o.o You know i can read ur writing by highlitting it! xD YAY <3 *sees Fawr too* Ohhh! *pounces onto u now* 'w' I WIN YAY!