Koian put her book into her bag and stood up. She left the room and threw her trash away. Koian walked quietly to her first class. She wanted to get a head start a bit.
o.o That hair cut wont turn out well then xD
Namine finally found them. ''Sora. Riku. Kairi.'' She said walking up to them. Kairi nodded and turned to Namine. ''What is it?'' SHe asked confused.
Well you did then u edited it xD
>_> <_< idk i would say... 1. Demyx 2.Larxene 3.Xaldin 4.Xemnas 5.The boss from 1st visit to Beasts Castle.
Larxene stoped at a dorm door. She kiked on it and waited for Axel to answer and open up. Namine ran on the beach and looked for Sora Kairi and Riku. Kairi Nodded and said back, ''We should see if the others got one." She pushed her hair back and out of her face.
Koian walks up to the bridge and watches teh show. ''Heh..'' She said puttign her Hades away. She looks at Vincent then at Vane. This might get ugly... Maybe
OOC- I was thinking the same thing. IC- Koian glanced around at the other students then at her food she was still eating. When she got done with her Pumpkin bread she picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth. She sat for a moment and pulled out her book from her bag she had with her. She continued to read it. Koian held her place for a second and drank some of her drink. Then went back to her reading.
IV i think... or VI xD
OOC- ok try not 2 xD IC- Koian smirked pullign out her Hades. ''If its not my buisness... Ill make it my buisness.'' She said aiming at his head.
Kairi waited for a answer or reply. Namine crawled away back into her room. She sat at her desk and looked at her letter. It read: "You have been invited to attend the orrientation meeting for hogwarts school of wizardry. if the headmaster likes you you will be accepted into our school" Minerva McGonagall Namine looked at it and was not sure what to do. She wanted to check with the others first. Larxene smirked and walked down the hall to the kitchen.
Koian turns her head and sees him. ''Who are you?'' She asked changing her direction toward him.
. . . . . . . . . *laughs out loudly* HHAHAHA! No really...
Kairi looked at them and handed Sora the letter. ''Its from some school called Hogwarts are something..'' She said catchign her breath.
"I didnt do anything!'' Namien yelled back and put her hands up in case she needed to protect herself. Larxene held Namine aginst the wall hard. ''You little brat!'' She said puttign her kunais to Namines neck. But releasing her and throwing her to the floor. Kairi saw Riku and Sora. ''Sora! Riku!'' She yelled to them running with the letter. She stoped infront of them and breathed for a second.
II x.x Bored a bit
lol and btw what am i too you bc... Your whats his names Mari-Dot and stuff and ur whats his other names Little sis... What am i to you? xD
DONT PUSH ME!!! *runs from you*
ooc- NO GOD MODDING!!!! You cant control my charcters! *hisses at you*