Hey stop it *she laughed trying to push him off*
*she swam to the surface too* Yah well life's mean
I love most nobodys I especialy like the Dancer Nobodys and Samurai
*she pulled at his legs draging him under the water*
Right *she smiled* I hate being a ghost at times *he sighed*
*She stuck her tounge out at him again then splashed him...While he couldn't see she swam underneath him*
*kairi sighed and kept walking*
Oh yah...Ladys first
Hey *She said splashing him again*
R...Riku? *Sora asked*
I came here to forget them but everyone keeps reminding me of them *Kairi thaught as she walked*
You should listen more lucario
No one splashes me *She said sticking out her tounge and splashing him again*
Yah I wish I could see your ghost too...Daisuke says hi too and hay Ryo Hey, boredem...you?
Oh well I think we should leave him for a bit
*Riku nodded* ok
Whatever *She said* I'm going for another walk *She said walking away*
Finaly I get to stay here and make friends without having to keep moving around *Kayligh said*
How to get there though?...I mean I don't think I can create portals again...but I haven't tryed since the last time we were there
What's up with Lion?