..... Wow. xD
Well, that's not so bad. :D I do like anime, but I much prefer manga and video games!
Screw strangling him. I'd shoot him to teach him a lesson. If it was a "she", then maybe a bit of pleading would be in order. And if she...
Yesh! I. Hate! Homework! I've used that trick before, and my mom never catches me!
Fairly. I never really watch it, though. Part of the reason is because the English dubbing sucks.
xD Yeah, I know the feeling. It sucks. :(
I use some of the basic effects. I added some effects. They're up for download somewhere. But yeah. Everyone's got to practice to make perfect....
How? You got the swine flu?
That's what I use. It's tedious, but as my videos demonstrate, the result is always epic. And that's good enough for me.
But it's easier than it sounds! I'm doing great, thanks! You?
I can't afford Sony Vegas for sh!t! We're flat broke. You don't have any other video software?
Multiple programs. I used Paint.Net to add the glow effect and level it out. I made the text with Corel Photo-Paint. I put it all together with...
Well, it's a whole lot funnier than the preview. You'll cravk up when you see the final product!
Yeah. A lot of people are. But I'm just cool like that xD. I'm kidding!
*returns highfive* Yeah!!! Heh, I'm trying to work on the parody.
Thanks for the friend invite! :D
Well, what do we look for? Movie Mode, UCM, Room Mod, Infinite Jump, & Camera Mod? Is there more?
:gunwtf: Okay?
Missouri....Missouri *searches for a map* Whoa! We're not too far apart! Both in the same general area.
The grey stuff, I got under control. Backdrops are no problem. And excess stuff will be taken care of.