Prince could work. But I'll have to think this through for a bit before I make my final desicion.
Well, I have no idea how to hack the camera mods.
Yeah. But we've been through this. I'm not interested. Not as king, at least. But I think your sis Bluejay came up with something to cover...
Lately, I've been great. Just not today. BTW, I may have turned down your offer for King of your Royal Family, but I might've eavesdropped...
Cool. Okay, change of subject. Um, so how's it been going with you?
Wow. Very random. Um, Three Days Grace's "Break."
Um, whatever comes to mind, I guess. Got any ideas?
Thanks. I appreciate it.
I'm okay. A little lonely on here, but I'm fine.
Oh, boy. Here we go with the curse.
What's that?
:) Yeah. You should...
Well, none of my good friends on KHV are online at the moment. Same thing like yesterday. You're all I've got.
I'm... to be honest, kinda lonely.
Sure! So, how's it been going?
Hey, man...
Okay. I'm a member on the site now. I'm SilverRiku. What's the site for? KH coding and hacking?
Be right back!
Sure! Link?
Yo! What's up?