... I didn't understand a word of that... sorry.
OOC: I made an OC form for Murlaxa's nobodies, and you can have him now. Name:Gardener Appearance: Is humanoid in shape, exept for the fact that it is rooted in the ground, looks a lot like a dusk with tree branches comming out of it. Abilities and powers: Can shoot thorns from it's tree branches, can't move unless uprooted though, if it is uprooted, then it can't fight until It roots itself back into the ground. Org. Member:NO. 11 Murlaxa OOC: for when I'm talking about the Nobodies, I mean kind, or species, or whatever you want to call it. When I say: Type: "let's rp" I mean what you do on a keyboard.
Plot Organization XIII is dead, and they now find themselves in a strange afterlife. Here there are strange things they never could have dreamed of. Since this world they now live on is nothing, it never was anything, they can edit the world around them with a thought, anything from changing the color of their room, to creating and entire castle from nothingness, all in the blink of an eye. But, over the years, they have gotten bored with peace, and they made a startling discovery. It started with Larxene, she was ticked off at Deymx one day, and killed him, and he disitagrated into darkness like they had done so before. But he came back to life. Now they have invented a game, where they pick two or more "captains" and they pick teams, just like any other sport. They then create a battlefeild, where they summon armies of nobodies, and fight to the death, they have wars that sometimes go on for years, and at the end, they all come back to life, only to do it all over again. Accepted OC formsName: Alchlemist Appearence: looks like dusk dressed in a lab coat, with blue markings on it's head, and it weilds a small version of vexen's sheild. Powers and Ablilities: can freeze things with the sheild, and launches ice spikes to attack with. Member: Vexen Name: Brawler Appearance: looks like a big gorrila, and has one arm that is bigger then the other, is completly white. Powers and abilities: can smash things with it's big arm, and grab small things, like weapons with it's smaller arm, it's big arm can also throw things. Member: Lexaeus Name(type): La Vie Appearance(doesn't have to be a pic): A golden, translucent stag with opaque green vines around its leg. Abilities and powers: La Vie can use underground roots and thorns to grab the enemy and has immense speed, strength and stamina. However, they are blind and use the ground for any feeling. Org. Member(the leader of this type): Marluxia Name: Dasher Appearence: looks like a four-armed dusk, but more feminine looking, it has two strong arms, and two smaller arms. Powers and Abilities: can dash around the battlefeild if hit with electricity, each of it's small arms can weild two weaker versions of Larxene's Kunai. Org. Member: Larxene Name: Ghost Appearence: Looks Just like Namine, exept for the fact that their bodies are completly white. Abilities and Powers: They can become inivisible, and can walk through solid objects when they aren't invisible. Member: Namine Name: Shades Appearance: Much like a naga (half humanoid/half serpent) there body is ash black and they have long razor sharp claws, there is a gag over their mouth and they lack eyes though they can still see perfectly. Abilities and powers: Control over shadows to strike at foes from afar, close range attack would be constriction and claws Org. Member: Zexion (No. 6) List of Nobodies for Org members Xemnas- Sorcerer Xigbar- Sniper Xaldin- Dragon Vexen-Alchemist Lexaeus-Brawler Zexion-Shades Saiix- Berserker Axel- Assasin Deymx- Dancer Luxord- Gambler Murlaxa- La Vie Larxene- Dasher Roxas- Samuraii Namine- Ghost Rules No goddmoding or powerplay. read all the rules. have at least two sentences per post, unless you are asking a question or something like that. type: "Let's RP" into your first post. If you pick an Organization member that doesn't have their own type of nobody servants, (due to being from COM) then you have to come up with your own type of lesser Nobody. There is a Nobody OC form. No OC's in this, only characters from the list. If you pick a Member of org. 13 that needs an oc form, and you don't post one, then I will make one for you. If you have any questions, then PM me Games These are the different types of battles that the Organization does, I will update these over time, (note, if your character is captain of team A, then you will get to pick one of these, or make your own game) Battle: Each team starts at their base the goal is to kill the entire other team there is no re-spawning in this, the dead members will show up in the lobby, and can do whatever they want, aside from re-joining the battle. Two flag capture the flag: Each team has a flag, and the idea is to capture the other team's flag, and bring it back to yours. if a member of Org. XIII (or Namine) dies, they instantly re-spawn at their "base" (that is where the flag is) they can't move their own flag, only the enimies. No long-range teleporting (in a battle, it is okay to teleport behind the enemy, if they have that power, but not going strait to the base) One flag Capture the flag The same as 2 flag CTF, exept for the fact that their is only one flag, in the middle of the map, which the teams fight for. same rules about respawning and teleporting The base is the same place where your team's flag would be for 2 flag CTF Maps Maps are the areas that the battles (or other types of games) will take place in, each map has to have at least two 'Base points' (where each team will start) The base points can have multiple uses depending on what game the organization is playing. Classic twilight town: Is exactly like twilight town in KH2 (the trains don't work though) One team starts in the sandlot The other team starts at the clock tower (also known as the train station) If there is a third team, then they start at Sunset hill, but to get there, they need to use the tunnels, not the train station if there are four teams, then the fourth team will start at the usual spot classic world that Never was: is exactaly like the world that never was in KH2 one team starts at the top of the castle (where Xemnas was worshiping kingdom hearts) the other team starts at the skyscraper of memories (where Roxas appears to sora the first time, also where Roxas and Riku fought) If there is a third team, then they start where Sora, Kairi, and Riku met up, (it overlooks Xigbar's battle area) Characters Xemnas- Adamboy7 Xigbar- Cicandakiller (temp re-assigned to Hellkitten) Xaldin- Temporarily assigned to KH2man13 Vexen- Cicandakiller (Temp re-assigned to ) Lexaeus-Cicandakiller (Temp re-assigned to ) Zexion-Cicandakiller (Temp re-assigned to ) Saiix- Axel-KH2man13 Deymx- Luxord- Temporarily assigned to KH2man13 Murlaxa- Hellkitten Larxene- Roxas- 9kairi9hearts Namine-MandyxRiku4ever(temporarily re-assigned to: Hellkitten) I know that Namine isn't a member of organization XIII, but she was a nobody, and this is the Nobody afterlife. Nobody OC form (only for Members that don't have their own type of lesser nobody already)(I will help you make one if you need help, just PM me) Name(type): Appearance(doesn't have to be a pic): Abilities and powers: Org. Member(the leader of this type): Here is a list of Organization members, if your character doesn't have a listed lesser nobody on here, then you need to make one:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_XIII EDIT: I have changed the wording in a few places to make it clearer, I will also make the OC form for anyone who doesn't want to bother with it.
OOC: Backdoor slaughter Could I have Xigbar and Kairi?
Luxord walked into the store, Killjoy? like she had any joy to begin with! He thought to himself, as he placed a few packs of cards, along with several pairs of dice, into his pockets. He also took a large gambling hourglass, which he attached to his cloak, not sure how useful it will be against a keyblade master, but it's better then nothing, he thought. He then walked out of the store.
OOC: I'm just saying, cause my character said in the rp that it would take 3 days to get to the western edge of the earth reigion, and then, from the description you gave me, I made the map, and you said the map worked, and from side to side is 3 days, then the nearest edge of the wind region would be at least a day and a half away, if not more. That means that John and Chi couldn't have possibly made it there in time. unless you wish to get rid of the map, which also means editing your layout of this world, which equals even more confusion then there is right now.
OOC: you do know that if we were on the eastern side of the water region, and it is going to take about three days on the fly to get to the western edge of the earth region, (I think) then the wind region will take at least one and a half days of flying to get to, see the map: http://www.kh-vids.net/picture.php?albumid=2437&pictureid=24505
Luxord heard Larxene, and turned around to face her. "Why do you care? All you want to do is use me for target practice!" he yelled to her, before walking over to a shop. Luxord looked in the window, to see that the shop sold packs of cards by the dozens, along with dice and other gambling equipment, now this could come in handy, he thought.
Something I tried the other day: Master form, use rapid magnet then thunder for large groups of enemies, one magnet + several thunders= massive damage to multiple enemies. and Wisdom form: on Xigbar, dash to get close, reflect, reflect, button mash the shoot button, and repeat, leave some magic to heal with tho! Valor form: just use the reaction and support/action commands, and you will pwn. Final form: glide around, beat ppl to pulp, magic is for special situations only. Antiform: go bannanas!
and I agree completly with this, it was only things that had happened that led to the Black coat= bad, similar to how if you treat a dog well, then it will be nice, but if you are mean to it all the time, then it will be mean.
OOC: umm... Mark and Krystal are on their gummi ship, and they are near radiant garden, not traverse town, I've been world hopping trying to figure out which worlds the heros are on, and anytime no one says their hero is on a world, I make a plot to leave it, then go to a different one.
Luxord ran through the mall, up an escalator, accrossed a lage expanse of the mall, and into the south district, where he found himself on the second floor. Luxord walked around it, "hmm... there are many gift shops here, I wonder if there are any cards or dice in one of them?" he wondered out loud, and began to look around the mall for a gambling store.
Roxas patted his head, feeling for cat ears, "I ummm.... just thought that you realy thought I was your brother..." he said. Namine was laughing even harder now, with tears streaming from her eyes.. Kairi looked into Sora's eyes, "well, do you think we could?" she asked.
Roxas's eyes widened even more. Namine was laughing so hard now that she fell on the floor. Roxas sighed, then looked at Mya, "but wouldn't your brother be a cat person too?" he asked.
Roxas's eyes widened, "Axel! Come back! Will you help me with this?!" he yelled, struggling against the oppressive hug. Namine began to laugh even harder. Roxas looked at her, "you're not helping either," he grumbled. Kairi looked at Sora, "do you think we could build a Gummi Ship here?" she asked
Mark pulled up the blanket, and rolled over, as he drifted off into sleep. Hwaje was still snoring, and he rolled over again, and curled up into a sleeping position.
Mark nodded, and finished what he was writing on it. Then he capped the pen, rolled up the map, and placed both into his bag. "G'night Mya." he said, laying down on his mattress.
Eventus kept looking, "not yet-" he interupted himself when he saw Dante and Phisoxa on the beach, not to far from Toxober and the other dark people, "there they are, and it looks like we have company."
Mark finished what he was writing, and turned the paper to face her, "it's an old political map of Rigels, I just decided to add geographical locations to it, so it may come in handy on our journey," he said. OOC: link for map:http://www.kh-vids.net/picture.php?a...ictureid=24505
did you notice that I updated the map?