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  1. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: yeah, I'm not going to control everyone though, that would be too confusing on my part, so I'm just using certain characters until more people pick more characters
    Larxene summoned her Kunai, "would you shut up you little twerp? I don't want to get into more trouble with Xemnas!"

    Roxas summoned his keyblades, "leaver her alone!" he yelled.
    Saiix looked over and noticed Murlaxa, he then turned to Xemnas, "I think there are enough of us here to start picking teams, anyone who shows up later will have to deal with whereever we put them," he said.

    Xemnas looked at him, then looked around, "alright everyone, we are now picking captains!" he said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. 9Kairi9hearts
    Furtim nodded, and with a flash of light they were at Church's old base, where the signs of Joshua and Kaia digging through the rubble were apparent.

    Joshua in Kaia's form walked back into the Re:volt base, and up to Trent, "I'm back," he said, in a perfect imatation of Kaia's voice.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark paused, worry about her? I don't know, maybe a little, he thought, "I guess, a little bit," he said.

    Hwaje silently told Shia, he's got feelings for her, he just doesn't know it yet.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. 9Kairi9hearts
    Xemnas turned to him, "of me and Saiix?" he asked, "why would anyone want to draw images of me and Saiix?"

    Larxene placed her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

    Roxas backed up a couple more steps, and walked right into Saiix.

    Saiix looked down, "you should be more careful, No. 13," he said, then looked up at everyone crowded around Xemnas, "what's going on?"
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark walked outside with his pack, "oh, really? So are they stopping over here before going, or do I have to go with you guys?" he asked.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. 9Kairi9hearts
  7. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: I did touch it, did you forget the part "he held out his, now her hand"
    Joshua in Kaia's form walked to the Re:volt base.

    OOC: sorry about the short post, my little cousin is sitting on my lap right now, makes it hard to type.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. 9Kairi9hearts
    Xemnas turned around, "that isn't another one of those sites that the kids put the videos on, is it? I still remember the one about Axel spelling my name... incorectly," he said, glaring at Axel.

    Roxas stopped backing up, but still remained quiet.

    Larxene starred at Xemnas.

    OOC: the video Xemnas is thinking of:
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: Accepted, and yes, they will probably get bored of it eventualy, but they have done practicaly everything else, so fighting is realy the last thing they can think of doing.

    Larxene turned around to face Xemnas, "oh, hi there boss... you didn't happen to hear what I told Axel, did you?" she asked nervously.

    Roxas backed up slowly from Larxene and Xemnas.

    The answer to Larxene's question was written accrossed Xemnas's face.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark yawned, and sat up from the floor, where he had fallen in his sleep, he looked around "where's Mya?" he wonedered.

    Hwaje stuck his nose through the window, wake up, man, you sleept through a lot!
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. 9Kairi9hearts
    Xigbar yawned as he walked into Xemnas's office, "what's up with all the racket, dude? I mean, I'm just taking a nap, then bang! You're on the line going 'get into my office now' I mean, when can II get some sleep around here?" he said grumpily.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. 9Kairi9hearts
    Larxene groaned, "I remember the last time I combined powers with another member, it didn't turn out so well," she said, "and we don't even know who's team we'll be on any way, for all we know you could be stuck with Deymx and I'll get loverboy's Saiix and Xemnas!"

    Roxas's eye's widened, and he stutterd, pointing behind Axel and Larxene, "X-xe-XEMNAS!" he shouted.

    Xemnas grinned from behind Larxene, "what was that, No. 12?"
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. 9Kairi9hearts
    Kouri turned to her, "what is it Sakura?"
    Malum held onto the sword tightly, and then jumped out of the sand, his sword now pointed directly at Cooper's neck.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: ok, I replaced mine with yours.
    Roxas grinned, "Xemnas and Saiix together pwn'd us, Axel, it also didn't help that Larxene was team-killing," he said.

    Larxene walked in from a different hallway, "what can I say, Deymx's music is anoying, and he kept getting water on me!" she said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: does everyone around here use their I pod instead on an actual computer? I'm serious, I feel like the only one that uses one!
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: but he wasn't here for those, you need to tell a person everything that they missed.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: well then, they are about to get a visitor!

    Mark was just about to punch the engines, when a loud "BANG!" came from the back of the ship, and smoke filled the cockpit.

    "Mark! The warp drive blew! We have to land," Krystal shouted.

    Mark struggled with the controls, "I can't do that! The entire control system is fried!" he yelled, as the ship began to plummet back towards Radiant Gardens.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: yes, I think that Xengla is on a world where time moves faster or something, because then Hades would have been napping for the whole time, Genservant and Xifernos fighting, and Cooper and Malum stuck in a grapple.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: here is a better recap:

    Mya is a hero, famous for having one of the rarest dragons on the planet, when she was younger, she was separated from her older sister, she meets up with another dragon rider, Mark, a fire rider who is an orphan, and is considered a traitor to the fire nation.

    John, a wind rider who never knew his parents, was in the water region for a hunting trip, met up with Chi, a water rider, and they landed by her house to have dinner.

    A couple of bounty hunters, Rain, a lightning rider, and Kaden, a Darkness rider, set fire to the forest island where a small water village was, along with Chi's house. Mark and Hwaje, his dragon, helped put out the fire, and then he and Mya landed by the burnt down remains of Chi's home, where they, along with John, and an uncosious Chi, talked with Kaden and Rain, who are chasing them for a bounty. Kaden and Rain say that they have three days before they start hunting them.

    So John, Chi, Mark, and Mya agree to meet the next morning, so that they can set off on their great adventure of fleeing the bounty hunters.

    Now Mark is sleeping on the floor at Mya's house, and Mya is trying to get back home to her place before he wakes up, while John and Chi get ready to go at Johns house, where they somehow managed to make a two day flight in less then two hours.

    Kaden and Rain are meanwhile in the outskirts of a small town, while Kaden tries to get healed of the injuries from a bar fight.​
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: yeah, if you are doing Xaldin, then you don't need one, because he already has the dragons.

    We will start tomorrow, when I actualy have time to RP, sorry.

    EDIT: OOC: ahh, whatever, I'm bored, here is your starting post:

    Roxas walked through the castle, headed towards the battle lobby that everyone would start the game from, "man, I got pwn'd last round!
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home