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  1. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark shook his head, "it is no problem for me, I would have been hunted down by some bounty hunter sooner or later, that is just part of being a tratior, or in your case, prophisized dragon rider," he said.

    Hwaje crackled with laughter.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark looked at her, "your welcome," he said, what is this I'm feelling? Is it... love? he wondered to himself.

    Hwaje grinned, and brodcasted a thought to the other dragons, you know, what would happen if everyone was as mischevious as Vento? I mean... there would either be a world full of lovebirds, or everyone would be ticked off at dragons.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. 9Kairi9hearts
    Xigbar turned to Murlaxa, "WTF? I hardly knew that girl, and you were supposed to be watching her while I took my nap!" he said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. 9Kairi9hearts
    no, there is always a such thing as the present, it is where you are in that moment of time, no matter how small you look at it, if you freeze time, then you would be in a segment of time still, so if it is as large a year, you are presently in that year, but if it is as small as a milosecond, you are in a milosecond, you may not be able to count it off, but it is still happening.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  5. 9Kairi9hearts
    Xigbar looked at him, "if you say so sir, do we have any information on where she is going sir?" he asked, this time wary of Xemnas's anger.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. 9Kairi9hearts
    And another point is this, if there was an imortal being creating all of this, it would be so much more advanced than us, that we would have no clue how it thinks, if god exists, then no human on earth would be able to match wits with it, so there could be reasons unknown for the so called inefficencies, it could have nothing to do with the survival of that particular species, and be used as an advantage for a different one. But that is only the explination if you choose to belive in god.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. 9Kairi9hearts
    Jenifer looked at her, "yes, we must make plans, we must make plans," she murmured.

    Nick shook his head, "how many times do I have to tell you, we can't go around assaulting human cities, it just get us killed," he said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark was shocked for a moment, but then he returned the hug, whispering in her ear, "it's fine, it's going to be ok, we are all here, I'm here."
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. 9Kairi9hearts
    I belive that it is a subcounsius motive inside of many people's heads, that they want to acosiate evil with other things they consider bad, and most people consider being ugly bad, so that is why that is, on the other hand, if you go with logic, then you end up with an average looking villan, or if you want to contradict everyone, you end up with a handsome villan, (ex. the average image of what a movie vampire looks like a big strong man, or beautiful woman, and I consider vampires evil, sorry twilight fans)
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. 9Kairi9hearts
    It is all your imagination, if you have ever looked in a mirror, then your subconsousness knows what your body looks like, and it can throw it into strange dreams or daydreams, I have actualy found that if I focus on it, I can create fantasy worlds for me to live in while I am bored, and in reality I may be laying in bed, or walking in circles, but in my head, I am somewhere else, but it isn't real, it is just my head.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. 9Kairi9hearts
    My personal veiw of normality? I think that it is something that some random person made up, just so that they could discrimanate against another culture, and/or start a war that they wanted, and to trick the people into wanting it too.

    The term "normal" completly ruined my life for several years in school, where I was different, because of my skin color, the way I acted, what I liked to do.

    Discrimanation is something that is caused by the word "normal," and belive me, I have expirienced it.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark walked up to Chi, "don't worry, this will be fine, belive me I know what this feels like," he said, "I felt the same way before I freed the prisoner in the fire nation, and became a traitor to my country, but belive me, it will always turn out well in the end, as long as you go into it with good intentions."
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. 9Kairi9hearts
    My veiw on this? Because of the fact that it is unnatural, if you drag away all religous veiws, and only look to nature for answers, what does nature do? Male to female, not female to female, or male to male. Homosexuality is unnatural, it is not a part of nature.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark nodded, "yeah, at least Mya and I do, my face is on too many wanted posters to not draw attention, and... well, Mya is famous," he said, "so we need ways to disguse our faces."

    Hwaje growled, too bad you two didn't keep any of that mutation poison, he thought.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. 9Kairi9hearts
    Ahh, but evolution states that it happens randomly, one trait at a time, right?

    So then explain why the Giraffe is alive after all of these:
    1. has a long neck, a regular sized heart would never be able to pump enough blood to the brain for the giraffe to remain alive.
    2. has a strong heart to counter this, but when the giraffe bends it's head down to drink water, the heart would crush the brain with the combined force of it's presure and gravity.
    3. has a special block in it's head to counter this, slows down the blood long enough to have the heart itself slow down.
    4. but what happens when a predator comes along, and the giraffe springs up and runs, the heart will take so long to get back up to speed, that the giraffe would fall uncounsious, and be eaten.
    5. but the block in it's head also acts like a sponge, and keeps enough blood in the brain for the giraffe's heart to get back up to full power, while the giraffe is running.
    Now what is the chance that all of these evolutions happened at the same time, to enough Giraffes for the species to survive?
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. 9Kairi9hearts
    Hwaje nodded, yes, go and comfort your crush, thats a great idea! He thought sarcasticaly.

    Mark groaned, "shut it, Hwaje," he said, and walked out to Mya, "I'm ready to go, it'll be fine, trust me."
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: I am waiting for Valdimir Makorov to respond with a BIC to me, and Midnight star+Mvalitine have been in a long two person RP session without the rest of us, I would have joined in too, if I hadn't been frozen waiting for a response.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark struggled with the controls.

    Krystal screamed, "MARK! DO SOMETHING!" she yelled.

    Mark declined to respond, as he hit the emergency air breaks, and metal flaps came out the side of the ship, slowing it down.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. 9Kairi9hearts
    Xigbar snapped into awakeness, "sir! Who escaped sir?" he asked, arrow guns already out and ready to move on the double.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. 9Kairi9hearts
    Roxas returned the hug warmly, who cared if they were dead? They could feel emotions now that they were in the afterlife, where their hearts had gone to die, so that made what he and Namine had even more special.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home