You are comma? K, get on voxli so I can unban you.
I'm open.
We are the ones who deal with the devil The ones who prance about in the pale moonlight, casting our shadows of black Our shadows that loom over your cities like the giants we wish to be I don't know, random nonsense from the top of my head is pretty inspiring to me xD
As I'm sure you realized there was a bit of confusion in banning some trolls on voxli and you got caught up in it. As soon as possible I would...
I may go home here in a little while just to see you
Wow that's a long time to have an elastic mark >>
Wolfie, please sympathise. The people do not know what is good for themselves; they are selfish and do not understand the concept of the greater good. We will teach them through due process.
I think nibblets is one of the cutest words ever xD
I have it all the time It's really fun I'm good at it I promise 8D
Of course, sir. Once the people in our area of Indigo Plateau calm down and realize they will live where we want them to live, maybe we can even branch out our area. But first we must finish our illegal emmigration plan reform.
Wow my schedual is so diffarant Slacking off Slacking off Slacking off Slacking off Slacking off Slacking off
... holy **** guineapigs are awesome I bet it was over some trivial stuff too GUINEAPIGS DO NOT KNOW HOW TO IDENTITY THEFT
Of course not sir, you can trust me! In fact, we can even put full on war trenches and guard towers in front of the wall. I'm sure that it's completely neccessary anyway.
visit me B|
Can we militarize this wall to oppress easterners and make it completely indestructible for all time?
omgggggggg I want to cuddle all of them
Your family traditions are awesome they're not stupid things like naming your firstborn child Da- B|
Yeah well I'm omnomnomipotent