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  1. Zeonark
    Even if a Quick-Play picture existed, why confuse everyone instead of just using said Quick-Play version pic?
    That makes no sense.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 18, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  2. Zeonark
    Do you see a Quick-Play Symbol anywhere on that card?
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 18, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  3. Zeonark
    Oh great, Crow is going to flip out when he sees this.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 18, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  4. Zeonark
  5. Zeonark
    Kemo's hair gives him the ability to automatically win every duel. Even the ones he isn't in.

    Who won the duel against Yugi and Jaden?
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 17, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. Zeonark
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 15, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  7. Zeonark
  8. Zeonark
    ...Did you just morph into Jack Atlas and then back to Jaden?
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  9. Zeonark
    This is not a roleplay.
    Just sayin'.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  10. Zeonark
    *prepares Deus Ex Machina Dragon for incoming Earthbound Immortals*
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  11. Zeonark
    Styx should run Simochi Burn.
    3 Gift Cards + Simochi = lulz
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 10, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  12. Zeonark
    Well, your move should be legal. So I believe you can keep going.

    I'm pretty sure it just applies to Spell Speed. Not Targeting. Not entirely sure.

    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 10, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  13. Zeonark
    Turn Priority actually doesn't matter here. The fact that Tornado is the same Spell Speed basically means that it can enter the chain. Meaning the Tornado can activate, Heavy Slump will fail to resolve, and everything else goes along.

    ...Unless I'm not seeing the actual problem here. If I'm way off, just ignore this.

    Jaden, you've mopped up the floor with over half of us.
    Why in the name of God would people start challenging you, to bully you?
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 10, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  14. Zeonark
    Quick question.
    Jay, those Spiritualisms were returned to your deck, right? How did you suddenly draw both again?
    ...Or am I lost here?
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 9, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  15. Zeonark
  16. Zeonark
  17. Zeonark
    You obviously haven't seen me yet.
    I'm the second worst duelist here.

    Or the worst in general.
    You're probably better than me.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. Zeonark
    I'd rather not have my ass mercilessly kicked.
    Sorry, I'll have to sit this one out.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 4, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  19. Zeonark
    I completely understand Jay, don't worry about it. We'll call it off.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 1, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  20. Zeonark