but im already grounded i cant use aura wings yet and your supposed to be wise hmph
kk going to steal my money out of dark links car and build the new floor enjoy it
was that some love lone lucario backs away with the thought of it
"lucario doesnt talk but.. takes his money back with speaking using telepathy" score
where anna/temari go(wow must be a big mood-swing with those 2) and im opening the rave tomorrow afternoon
noooooooooooooo not my allowance and you saw the photo of the kyubii and if it is a boy then yondame is a TRANZY(scary music)
do you want the tour tamari click on my sig link to see what youve missed
fine(you were always crabby after the divorce and dad trying to kill me which is when you got to the fight where he sealed you into naruto his adoptive son)
its also creepy to have a conversation with you darklink and itachi. oh yea i went there
mom can i have my allowance ive been a good boy
lol your going to be my mom but oh(lucario is the son of yondame and the kyubii)
lucario stalks itachi
love hurts but ill adopt you as my own itachi
lucario looks left,looks right its still going to be a hottub
srry has to be video anime/manga no games(though i wish i could)
walks over kicks him while hes down takes the chocolate and throws it into an empty chaccuzi that poped up instantly it will be a hottub no more to it
sora do you want a second character pls i need 1 more person to make a 3rd floor.
i got counceling so go melt it into a pool of CHOCOLATE GIVE IT TO ME(someone runs down a hill in slow motion woth a needle and stabs lucario with it)and like i said i got counseling so go melt it.
ENOUGH you are going to have DARK LINK and you will also have ITACHI as your 2 characters DEAL with it.
oh then you can look again and you wont have any say of it or you will get someone i will refise to change on your whim.