Oh.... I'm sorry to hear- er, read that. :c
Why are your Rps locked? xD
With his last breath he said "Warship me!" and died.
:c I'm surprised it wasn't stale....guess it was the milk.
Apple Jacks. I love them.
Oh what kind? 8D
Nevermind. I assumed the wrong thing.
Oh what, your mad at me?
Oh? ............
And I decided to check out the expiration date on the box after I finished eating. 8/9/08 :x
That's new.
Oh good, I wasn't forgotten. ::L: How are you?
Wait, what?
I wouldn't say you know me...but I did get a name change. It used to be Spaze.
Wait, your leg was in a cast? B| Skateboard incident? Tsk tsk.
Hey Daxma~
That sounds like fun. ::L: Does it involve yelling? I'm more into...art that involves drawing, sculpting, et cetera.
Thanks for making that clear.
I already knew that. I take French II. :/ Eh. I think it's a liquor.