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  1. Spaze
  2. Spaze
  3. Spaze
  4. Spaze
  5. Spaze
  6. Spaze
  7. Spaze
  8. Spaze
    Profile Post

    xD Why not now?

    xD Why not now?
    Profile Post by Spaze for Legion, Dec 9, 2009
  9. Spaze
  10. Spaze
  11. Spaze
    Profile Post

    Ask what...?

    Ask what...?
    Profile Post by Spaze for Legion, Dec 9, 2009
  12. Spaze
  13. Spaze
    I changed my mind. :v Yay?
    Profile Post by Spaze for Legion, Dec 9, 2009
  14. Spaze
    Pancakespwnwaffles ;D

    Username: Periwinkle
    Full Character Name: Charis Laverna
    Age: 12
    Bio: Charis is a lonely young girl that moved to the town of Siletste a few years ago. The only relative to her that is possibly alive is a person named Claire, who happened to be a teenage victim in the Orphanage. The odds are very slim that Claire is alive, but Charis refuses to believe that she is dead. Charis doesn't know how much of a relation she has to the girl or who she is exactly, but if she happens to find her alive, it just might be possible for her to learn of or find information on her father. A friend of Charis's mother told her that Siletste was one of the closest towns near the Orphanage, making that her area to move and spot for Claire at. Her clue to finding the girl was a picture that was given to her from her mother, before she died.
    Personality: Optimistic, kind, childish, can be serious during a certain situation. She also seems to have a slight obsession with sweets.
    Weapon [If any]: None.
    Gift: Animator~

    Ooc: I really couldn't think of anything to put in the Bio, so I made that up. >> Hope its okay...
    Post by: Spaze, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Spaze
    I got a B+ on a CA in Biology. I didn't even study for it.

    But my day was pretty boring.
    Post by: Spaze, Dec 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Spaze
    He has wings?
    Post by: Spaze, Dec 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Spaze

    Well, I remember sitting next to my friend Andrew in English. I was reading a book after taking a quiz in the class and I noticed Andrew was repeatedly running his fingers through his hair. At first I wondered if he was trying to take dandruff off it, but I just continued watching him. He didn't notice me staring as he kept messing with his hair. Five minutes went by and he still didn't stop...

    I finally asked what he was doing and Andrew replied, "My hair, it feels like snow."


    "Yeah. You know how a lot of snow is on the ground and then it's sunny outside the next day? Well, sometimes the snow is so hard that it doesn't melt. It just clumps together and feels hard. That's how my hair feels! Wanna touch it?"

    "No...carry on."

    And he actually continued that for about ten more minutes. ._.

    Leggy, you aren't strange. You're beyond that!
    Post by: Spaze, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Spaze
    Until this past week.
    Thread by: Spaze, Dec 6, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Spaze
    Name: Meliea
    Traits: Strange, friendly, calm.
    Post by: Spaze, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Spaze