*orders japanese food online* 8D Oh, okay. xD
I gotta upload it first.
..... Wanna see a video of my niece and nephew arguing on youtube? 8D
:c This is a sad moment for me.
Ooc: That made me laugh for some reason. Beatrice raised one of her eyebrows in confusion. This definitely wasn't the right guy to ask, and now he wanted to burn her? He didn't even give her a real name...what was with this guy? "..No way! I can't burn, I gotta find my friend! Go bless it yourself." She should've been running, but Beatrice just took a few steps away from him. Would it be okay to run to that group of people to possibly scare him off? Or should she try ditching him and look for John?
.....I forgot. ._.
I'll give John five minutes. If he doesn't find me, then... Her thoughts trailed off as she saw someone coming her direction. They didn't seem to have any curves or long hair, so it was most likely a man. Beatrice watched as he walked forward and listened to what the person had to say before replying. "Erm, hi. My name is Beatrice....Yours?" She asked. She didn't really care for his name, but maybe he would know something about her friend.
Ooc:......Thanks for the recap, guys. 8D Beatrice frowned as the Cheshire Cat disappeared from her before she could even answer his question. She still hadn't been able to find her small elf friend and no one around seemed to notice her. It was possible they didn't hear her one shout, and she was at a fair distance from them...
Tom we want a child from you!!!
Hah. :v .......
Happy B-day? o:
Pfft, you better KNOW. :c You said you didn't like it...
It's a pretty sweet anime. c: So is School Rumble. It doesn't start to get interesting until after episode 5, at least. At first I disliked...
I recently finished Fruits Basket. I lol'd at the last three episodes. It was so random.
I like a lot of new animes. << Manga too. So many anime/manga, so little time.