Mya nodded and walked to her quarters. I don't understand. I felt alright this morning and the night before. Maybe he's right. I'm too stressed.
Hark nodded. I suppose that's our ony option right now. If it does return, I don't know what else we could do. Mya barely survived the attack. If there is this sort of power within us, then we need to know how to use it. Sasha examined the map and stats of the test. I'll give them one more day. Then I'm pulling them out. We're out of time.
OOC: Thank you :3 BIC: Hark scratched his head. It's the best way to explain this. How else should she get into a serious mood and power surge from that?
OOC: Umm yea. Please edit that part out and it's all good :) BIC: Hark ran over to Mya. She looks pretty shaken up, but I think she'll make it. There's something that bothered me though. When she fought that creature, it wasn't Mya was it?
Sasha smiled at Zee. So how was your day Zee? Mya stared sadly at Zane. Zane, is that all what you are? Property? You would choose a traitor over the people you care and love for?
Mya sighed and nodded. Yea. Maybe that's what I need. She headed to the captain's quarters.
Mya turned to Leyna. Just take care of my other form. That's all. She closed her eyes and the aura faded from her. She then fell to the floor unconscious.
Mya turned away from Zee. Some friend you are. I though they were meant to help each other. Sasha walked back into the room holding a vial. Oh hey! I found the cure. Oblivious to the arguement, she walked over to Mya and gave her the vial. Make sure he drinks this when he gets up alright?
Mya staggered backwards and clenched her teeth. So be it. She walked back to dry land.
Mya nodded. I think so.
Mya shook her head. That's not right. I shouldn't get knocked out by a drink.
Mya clutched her injured side. Lucky aren't you? You should be glad that my powers are contained for now. She planted her hand on the lake's surface and caused giant wind tornadoes that surrounded Sinder.
Mya shook her head. No you're wrong! He cares about me! Even if he has to defile Haru! You know it's true! You're his friend for crying out loud!
Mya groaned and sat up. Oh god. I feel like crap. What happened?
OOC: Aww :( BIC: Mya narrowed her eyes. So now I'm resulted to this? I guess I'll have to kick your ass in every way possible. She created a spear out of wind and threw it at Sinder.
Mya was still knocked out cold.
OOC: Power level=OVER 9000 XD BIC: Mya swiped her arms and sent a huge wave of water at Sinder following it up by a bolt of lightning.
Mya stared at his tattoo. So what? I still see Zane as Zane.
Mya nodded and stood up. Yea. Maybe I should-Her vision went blurry and fell to the floor unconscious. Luckly, the bar wasn't crowded yet.
Mya stepped onto the lake with energy pulsing from her hands. Her fierce gray eyes staring down at Sinder. After I'm done with you, you wish you never came into this little fight. She circled around Sinder. Sasha shook her head. I'm sorry, but this test is strictly off limits to observers. Mya stepped onto the lake with energy pulsing from her hands. Her fierce gray eyes staring down at Sinder. After I'm done with you, you wish you never came into this little fight. She circled around Sinder. Sasha shook her head. I'm sorry, but this test is strictly off limits to observers.