Yes I am actually gonna make an RP about Pokemon. I will do other regions as well in case you are asking. No need for a prolgue. Here are rules/info. Rules/Info: 1. No gore or intense violence (cmon. It's pokemon. GET A LIFE) 2. Keep cursing to a minimum 3. Romance at a PG-13 lvl 4. Don't make battles too long and repetitive. I don't want 20 pages just on a battle. 5 There will be NO gym leaders. Why? Because it's too ridiculous seeing everyone fight the same gym leader over and over. The Elite 4 will still be there. Remember, everyone will eventually meet up. 6. Legendaries. I will be a cockblock on this rule. You may not have more than 2 legendaries. I really want people to have some as well. If you don't want one, that's fine. 7. Starters. Please make a pokemon from either the starter 3 or from like the first 5 routes in the game. 8. If you are planning to leave for more than two days, notify me so that I can keep your char still in. 9. Don't be an a**hole. I don't care what you think, but every person deserves the same level in this RP. NEVER EVER act like you have a team of 100s or I will be seriously pissed off. 10. Trading is fine as long both agree tithe terms ans you must notify me if trading. 11. Try not to put one liners. I can live with a few. 12. At the end of these RPs, you have the chance of taking 2 pokemon with you. ONLY ONE CAN BE A LEGENDARY. If you don't want to carry over, that's fine. I'm ok with that. 13. Soulsilver x Heartgold = Silver x Gold 14. I will add Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum just to ease on the legendaries. 15. Yes you can play as Team Rocket :D 15. If you read all of these rules/tips, say "Gotta catch them all!" in your first post :3 17. ENJOY THIS RP...or else face the wrath of teh Mudkipz DUNDUNDUN (Find my flaw, and you shall get a cookie 8D) OC FORM- Username: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Starter Pokemon: Bio: Other(If you're Team Rocket, say so here): Username: heartless_angel Name: Mya Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Starter Pokemon: Squirtle Bio: As a kid, she was horrible with pokemon. She always feared them and thought of tem as bloodthirsty animals. It was one night when she was attacked by a wild Rattata and a Pidgey attacked back at the Rattata. She then understood what it was to be a PKmon trainer. She trained until she was elidgable to get her first pokemon, Squirtle. With the help of Jane, she succeeded at being a trainer and was now ready to set off into the large and diverse world of Pokemon. Other: Loves seeing the world of Pokemon. Sees all Pokemon as friends. Username: heartless_angel Name: Jane Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Starter Pokemon: Pidgey Bio: She started to learn about Pokemon at a very young age. Once she successfuly passed Pokemon school, she set off as a Pomemon trainer. She met My and wanted her to be one as well, but Mya refused. They still stayed friends. After Mya decidedto be a trainer, Jane helped her every step of the way. Other: Mya's best friend. Very cheerful and friendly.
Mya smiled. I think we're alright. I'll get some stuff to fix you up. She looked through her pack and pulled out a medical kit. She pulled out some bandages and placed them on his face.
Mya smiled back. Thanks Alec. It's not your fault though...She shook her head and sat underneath a tree and slowly dozed to sleep.
Mya frowned, wondering what the wolf was up to. The rock was important it seemed. Hark scratched his head. This better not be a trick...
Aww no ToS fans here ;~; Great picks guys :D
Yes I love video games with romance in them. I'm pretty sure someone already posted this, but whatever. I wanna know what you peoples out there are the best couples! I personally Sora x Kairi don't count since the haven't kissed yet (WHY GOD WHY???). Just saying I for those S x K fans out there. I narrowed my couples down to the top 2. Tidus x Yuna are my Second favorite couple. I loved FFX just for the Romance they placed in it (FFXIII was BLEAUGH. Snow x Serah = WHATISTHISIDONTEVEN). And the ending brought me to tears (well almost). THANK GOD FOR X-2! Marta x Emil (see my sig) are my best couples. I mean COME ON. They're so adorable and at the end, I actually cried (sorry not spoiling it). Yes I know the second wasn't as great as the first, but I just loved those two! >w< Agreements? Disagreements? I WANNA HEAR FROM YOU 8D Comment and give me your thoughts! :3
Definatly go for Uncharted 1 AND 2. For a T rated game, they are the best games I've played so far (hence GOTY 2009 :D) Others are Bad Company, Need for Speed: HP, Rock Band (2 and 3 especially), and MAG.
Mya gave Zane the vial. It's a special fluid that can help you up. Sasha frowned. What's it doing here?
Mya followed the wolf causiously. She wondered where it was leading them to.
Mya scratched her head. Yea it does. Wonder why? I suppose there's only one way to find out. Let's follow the wolf. Hark frowned as if he didn't agree with Mya's choice, but nodded in agreement and stood up. Sasha paced the room impatiently muttering random words. Test part two?...Too close...kill them all?...Dark and light...Seal of the Six...She shook her head and walked back to Mya and the others to inspect on them.
Mya frowned. She really didn't trust the wolf, but a part of her wanted to know what it lead to. She cautiously took a few steps towards the wolf.
Sasha looked at Rita. That's it. We are going to sit around and do nothing. It's the only option we have.
After a few minutes, Sasha came back inside. According to the stats, they will arrive here in approximatly 3 hours.
Sasha kissed him back, leading both of them into his room and closing the door behind them. Mya touched Zane's arm. Zane, you feel alright?
Mya quickly opened her eyes and jumped to her feet. She stared at Sinder on the lake. What do you want?
Sasha scratched her arm. Trust me. You wouldn't want to help me. Now stay put. I'll be back. She opened the door and headed towards the entrence.
Sasha giggled and cuddled up against Zee. Mya sat next to Zane. She rolled the vial in her hands while thinking about Zane's situation.
Sasha walked back to the others. As I said, I'll handle it. You two stay put. Hark looked around sharply. He felt a strange aura around them.
Hark nodded. You're right. He tossed some wood in a small pit. Sasha shook her head. I say we stay put. We will not fight them.
Hark shrugged. It's a maybe. I just think we all have it inside of us. Sasha pulled down the blinds slightly and saw a few helicopters pass overhead. The humans are searching for the Chosen One. They're getting closer.