*he screamed*
"hmmm...I guess you are right but you don't stay happey long"
*she smiled as she huged him*
ooc: ok my pc is anoying! it wont let me on page 55
"cool" she said
*she pulle him under for a sec then let go*
ooc: ok then bye
*Chris ran as fast as he could* ooc: yupers
*she kept huging him*
"Y-yes" he said trying to hide the crystal heart
*she swam after him*
"no...more afraid of dragons"
"yes. A hug is what I am doing right now" she said huging him
*Erin was hideing from ZC. he still found it hard to trust anyone new*
ooc: I am just about ready to bring in dragon ball charecters lol *Chris ran*
*Anna was very nervis*
"oh...nothing" she said "Ayla! come back here! they mite think you're a fly!' Erin said runing down the hall but when he saw ZC he hid
*she fell in*
"I did and that was mean!" the fairy said