*she took a breath*
*he smiled a little back*
*she swam to the surfise*
why? why is he being so kinde?
*she smiled*
*Erin noded* "thank you..." Erin said
"E-erin" he said geting hugled
*she swam after him*
*Erin was shocked...he almost forgot what a hug was*
*she went under*
*the docter layed dead* *Erin cryed*
*she pushed him under* ooc: well that's one way to break the mood
*the docter fell to the ground in pain* "that crystal will bring your death! you will eather be killed wile runing or be worked to death! everyone close to you shall be kille because of you..." the docter said to Erin *Tears went down Erin's face*
*she looked back into his*
"those with weack hearts" Erin said looking down *a pasing by Docter grabed a scapel and tryed to stab Erin with it in prusoot of the crystal*
*she blushed*
*he nodded* "many people have gone mad chasing after it...''
"flying shoes!" she laughed
*he noded and held out the heart crystal so ZC could see it*
*she tryed to swim away*