OOC: hehehe Riku=Raikou BIC:"You have a deep link with Sora I think we can find him using that connection." Alphonse said reaching for Riku's head.
Alphonse pointed to Riku "I'm gonna need to borrow your mind."
OOC:ooooppps teeeheeeee my powers of misunderstanding give me the ability to enter peoples mind! BIC:"It's your choice we can go get the others or seal the keyhole first?What will it be?" Alphonse said calmly.
OOC: AAAAAh ive missed stuff!! BIC:Alphonse growled a little "Listen to him........or I'll come in there." he said with a dead serious look on his face.
Yeah i havent seen it since the format change and i wouldnt know where to find it since then
Your right! it is your job! *picks you up by the feet and uses your body to break down the wall* Glad I could help!
And what happened to the top five?
Yep its a pain i have to like sneak out of class to call some of them.
Production studio?
Yaaaaaaaay! Endless gym leader battlez!!!
so after you get their number then go to the dojo and beat them what do you have to do to fight them again?
Go for zeh pizzaaaaa!
Can you challenge the gym leaders again after youve beat them the second time?
Beer:*stumbles out giving all my money to the first homeless person who asks wakes up tomorow broke and hungover* Soda:*spins around on stool then walks up to someone screams "IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAH!" then fills mouth with soda and spews it all over them*
I was trying to get my pokemon to the coveted level 100. What are the best way to do this on Soul Silver without using cheats or rare candies. I seeeee........ well what are the best places/ways to levelgrind?
Why can't I post any videos on the video portal?
Soma got up and stretched his legs."Hmmmm I wonder if I can find a good read in this place." he said skimming through various books.
yeah that and the defeated look on my friends face who thinks its impossible >:D
hmmmmmm lots of good suggetsions thank you to all of you! :D
how do you get magic hour?