STOP! why are we talking about taking control of Shien if we can just chain Imperial Order?
Remove Brainwashing.
it wasn't banned the last time I checked for it on here, which is when Yusei dropped one on me.
uhm.. I was just correcting him on how he said that Dimensional fissure can stop scarecrow. maybe if I put a "." at the end instead of an "!".
@ Jaden.
I say you should ban it too. summon Shinai then SS Mizuho then SS Shien then set five face downs.
Yes Scarecrow! He only needs to be discarded, with or without it going to the grave.
While we're on the subject.. you should probably ban this too. Have that with five face downs and your opponent is basically down to just monsters.
While we're on the subject.. you should probably ban this too. Have that and five face downs and your opponent is basically down to only monsters.
While we're on the subject... you should probably ban this too. Have that and five face downs and you're basically down to only monsters.
then it would become basically an unstoppable combo in which no one can escape from... then they get DQ'd. though that card is pretty broken.. @ Rukia.
uhm.. you can put that into any deck as well... I'm probably missreading your post because I have no idea where this is going.
...Effect Veiler is a staple.. you can put it in any deck.
Or... Effect Veiler.
it would be more amusing if Naruto was a vanilla with 3000 atk and has the flavor text: "Believe it." also level 4.
..I see the entire card just fine.
..people quit duels more often now :(
The tokens.. look like synchros.
You may be unleashing a great evil upon the world with this.. /goes to make the most boring decks of all time also known as "the competitive". Edit: hmm.. maybe later.