Or you could have just used this. There is no way Trent can escape!
what are you going to do with that..? nothing happens because the tree is just there. it does nothing!
you don't know what that is..? also.. @ you saying "pro". I summon Number 9: Sky Canopy - Dyson Sphere! /looms over you.
Hurray! Jaden has been freed from "The Mentor". now I can comment on how Terra almost beat the guy >.> also.. my rival gets more attention than me.. *sobs* now we shall make him play a game of dance dance revolution with Xyz monsters.
saying "I'm pro" multiple times has activated the duel arena security system, summoning the Duel Dance Revolution Robot.. which forces you into a game of Duel Dance Revolution. "Must eliminate player!"
Rolling your eyes.. very inappropriate and rude.
didn't I say I could have starlight.. and how could chaos hunter stop macro when it's negated? also, I have cards that can negate its summon.
There's a difference between a win and watching your opponent draw cards but can't do anything.
...what? Definition for elimination: Web definitions: the act of removing or getting rid of something. I can't actually physically eliminate you, and eliminate doesn't mean to kill. Edit: Also, I find it hard to believe that you don't care how you win... by having three spellcaster village, three terraforming, and three royal decree it's almost impossible for an E-Hero deck to even do anything. or against Fred's Fables.. use three macro cosmos, three skill drain, three shadow imprisoning mirrors, three banisher of the radiance, three dimensional fissure, three pot of duality (for getting all of those extremely easily.), and then put in your solemn judgment and warnings then BTH. Oh, and also put in three MST and three dust tornados. then put in 2000+ atk beatsticks like photon slasher, photon crusher, Cyber Dragon.. you can also have the option of putting in Malefic Cyber End and Stardust. which reminds.. you can also put in starlight road just in case of heavy storm. "yeah, that was easy, he couldn't even touch my LP." You really think that's how you want to win a duel?
I see you have no honor.
that's defined as not a true victory, you might as well use an exodia deck vs everyone.
Came close to eliminating that dino rabbit user.. it seems I'm going to have to see what I can do about that.
what's your name on there?
that's exactly what I'm going to do to Rafael once I duel him again.
You shall be eliminated! exterminated! ...Eradicated!
Go make those decks on DN, then duel me. you shall be eliminated.
He's trolling.
it's nice to see that the arena has somewhat revived.. I don't know if it was in a good or bad way though.