The stronger duelists out there don't even go to tournaments. believe it.
He was only trying to help... it's not like he'd make fun of you or anything. also, if that isn't a typo; of*.
you mean attacking from the grave? that's more cheating than gaining 400 atk...
I wonder if Jaden could try using Gem-Knights.. he's experienced with E-Heros, he might be able to use them well. (though I do doubt it seeing how they are compared to E-Heros >.>)
it's because apparently google images has this system.. or so I think it does. I once posted a card that was too big so I put the /thumb thing into the link to get a smaller image. I then went back and searched that same card after posting and it ends up on the first page linking me to the arena. so I'm assuming Google images does most recent images on the first page. Edit: I mean, the link to the smaller image either didn't exist or isn't on the first.. twenty pages of google images. since I couldn't find another image of the card, I had to do it >.>
Since you've banned Horakhty, I figured you might want to ban this too.
It's most likely because we post card images and people go to google images, when someone posts a card, it automatically ends up on google images. more duels here=more guests will end up finding this place.
Uhm... what are you talking about? you only need to set three cards. "I chain Cold Snap during your standby phase then chain Mystical Refpanel...
I advise you ban Mystical Refpanel. For reasons concerning this card: just so that it wouldn't be abused...
This~^ Not one by itself can seem like it's belittling, but both together do. or is it just me? >.>
Then are you saying Omega was wrong? unless I was misunderstanding what he said..
it was a what?! ...
Well, I guess I have to do this. Yeah.. that was kind of overdoing it, oh well.
What was his problem? I mean.. he basically lost to his own card. Maybe he shouldn't have played Mirage of Nightmare.
..Oh, you chained that.... I see.
uhm.. I chained Solemn Judgment. LP: 2000.
Before I do anything.. can you do that? *points @ my Macro Cosmos and the fact that your card's sending effect is a cost.* I activate Solemn Judgment*
hmm.. I activate Infestation Pandemic Infection, making it do nothing but tribute Acid Golem.. "This turn, all "Evilswarm" and "Steelswarm" monsters you control are unaffected by the effects of other Spell and Trap Cards."
Oh, I can mill? okay.. Rock/Effect "Once per turn: You can target 1 Level 5 or higher face-up monster, except DARK monsters, on the field; destroy it." No chain. Edit: actually..