Okay first of all it's going to be a while before we can duel because I'm grounded until Monday. Second, if you don't think Tour Guide is broken,...
I'm really sorry, but I'm not going to be able to turn in that last line I claimed! Someone else can have it
Devas sat down against a large, safe-looking tree. He absentmindedly wrapped his tiger-like tail around it as much as he could, as if to claim the spot. His travels had brought him to a forest in Garnet. It was the farthest he'd ever been from his home. He had enjoyed his travels in Garnet so far, but he decided he wanted to see Viera, and so there he was heading. But at the moment, he was quite tired of this forest. I hate this place, Devas said mentally to his Espers. Do you have any idea how much longer this forest goes? Not anymore than you do, said Diablos from his Magicite. I still don't get why you won't carry a map. Devas smiled. Ruins the fun. And are you having fun, Devas? Seraph chimed in. Devas chuckled out loud. I guess not. But you know what? I should! Devas clutched his Magicite to his chest, and Diablos and Seraph emerged in their regular forms. "Diablos," Devas was speaking aloud now, "I want you to use Vanish, go and find something big and edible that will put up a fight." "Now you're talking," Said Diablos, speaking as well. Diablos suddenly became invisible and flew up into the air, going to search for something for Devas to fight. "What can I do?" Asked Seraph. "Hm...Can you turn into a pillow?" Seraph looked disappointed. "Oh. Sure..."
Pray you never have to. Calc III sucks so much ass.
Use spherical coordinates to find ∫∫∫z DV where Q lies between the spheres x^2+y^2+z^2=1 and x^2+y^2+z^2=4 in the first octant. Wolfram is telling me that I'm setting the integral up right so I guess I'm just screwing up solving it somewhere. I cannot figure out where >_> Halp? I'm supposed to get 15pi/16
Does theta range from 0 to pi/2 or 0 to pi/4? I thought the first octant translated to the first quadrant which would make it pi/2, but I'm getting the answer to this problem wrong and it looks like I'm supposed to be taking theta from 0 to pi/4... halp?
Challenge accepted. I'll need some time to put a deck together since I haven't built one since Exceeds came out. I'll let you know when I'm ready.
No, it's a case of them removing BC because they wanted to test out some of the elements of what would be in the 3DS and including BC would have made the system too expensive. In addition BC wasn't really necessary at the time because the GBA was so old. That's as completely different set of circumstances and you know it. Except not all releases have digital copies And that's fantastic. You missed out on them when they were released. That is not the crows BC appeals to. It's the crowd that still has games they want to play from the last gen, or people like Misty who are getting a console having missed the last gen and possibly wanted to try some games from the last gen, WHILE the games from last gen are still being sold. The GBA and GBC games in the VC are for people who haven't played them yet, possibly because they were too young to read them in that generation. That's why I want them, anyway. You're skipping people who have games they haven't beaten. And are you seriously telling me you've NEVER wanted to play a game you've beaten again? I'm just telling you how transfers work. It's a better system than paying for what you already own. Except you know as well as I do that once the Vita rolls out Gamestop isn't going to give you CRAP for that UMD
I'll take one every day until it gets filled up :P I want who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain as Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne [What?]
When the DSi was out you'd still have a current gen system if you owned a DS or DSL. The DSi wasn't the next gen, so it's not a case of the next gen removing BC. Just addressed that and yes it does. Fine. Sure. Sony isn't the reason it's standard to have GC for the last generation but not two generations later. You swear. It's entitlement not to feel like I should need to buy something I already own? We are the customers. Nobody will make money unless they give what the customers want. Customers ARE entitled to a certain amount of things if a company wants to make money. Fine. "Making" was the wrong word. It's still bullshit. No, I was speaking directly to Misty, who does not own a PSP. And by now it's unnecessary because it's been so long since the last GC game released it's unlikely that anyone owns GC games they want to play. Except you don't, because it's been so long since the GBA and GBC you probably don't own anything for those that you still want to play. This system is for people who want to play PSP games on a PSV, correct? Those people probably don't want to play it on a PSP then, correct? Then WHY would they want to keep the UMD? I don't consider trading a retail copy for a digital copy any different than trading a retail copy for a different retail copy. Losing one and getting the other isn't the same as just getting both.
You're missing the part where Nintendo released the GBA which had full GBC backwards compatibility. When the DSi was released the DS was still "Current gen", so that's still not considered removing backwards compatibility IMO. Sony is the only company to make you pay for games you already own. That point being (as Nintendo has proven) when those legacy games are two generations behind Nobody who owns an old console and wants the next one is going to keep that one. Why would you keep something when you know that soon there won't be any games for it? In a way they kind of do, because Nintendo have made it so standard Fixed. That "somehow" being making people pay for something they already own? Yeah, there's a limit to "somehow" You realize that means if you want to pay Dissidia (I'm not sure if it's a PSN title so I'm going to assume it isn't) you have to buy the UMD and then pay an EXTRA fee (Which can be upwards of $15) to get it on your PSV, right? How is that fair? The Wii has GC BC, what are you talking about? Yes I'm fine with the fact that the Wii U won't have GC BC. I've already played every GC title I wanted to. If the Wii U didn't have Wii BC, or I had to pay to play Wii games on the Wii U, I would be pissed off. That is where you're wrong, sir! To make backwards compatibility for a system, that system has to either be so powerful that it can emulate the old system, or the new system needs to have hardware from the old system. The reason the 3DS is backwards compatible with the DS is because Nintendo put in special hardware including an extra ARM processor to make it possible. They didn't have to do that. The 3DS IS powerful enough to emulate the GBA and GBC, which is why there are downloadable GBA and GBC titles. Again, my solution would eliminate this problem. It's different because you lose your physical copy.
Kind of want it but I've heard the controls for the PC version are pretty crap
I was referring to my yellow skin...then again pretty much everyone in that picture has that XD
This is quite awesome aside form the fact that I look Chinese
Okay. I want the wings! Hope this starts soon
It's probably your version of NO$GBA, I haven't been following it lately but when Days came out the only way to play it was to download a special...
Oh wow this looks amazing, hope it's not too late to sign up :S Making a Blue Mage because Blue Magic is my favorite type even though this Blue Magic is nothing like actual Blue Magic Username: Slaughtermatic Name: Devas Veneficus Age: 16 Appearance: http://images.wikia.com/kingdomhearts/images/2/20/Zexion.png (A little confused here because it says to describe the wings but the description of Terrans says nothing about wings...So I'm assuming he does have wings, which are angelic but black) Type of Tail: Tiger tail History: At the age of thirteen, Devas prayed with his family and the two Espers Diablos and Seraph appeared to him. He left home to be a lone nomad like his people at the age of fifteen. He's enjoyed his life traveling to the other countries, living off the land, not staying in more than one place for too long. Weapon: Espers Fighting Style: Devas prefers magic and hand-to-hand combat to using weapons. He likes to use his Blue Force combined with the fact that he has a tail and wings to move blindingly fast while slowing his opponents down. During the times his opponent is too strong to fight without weapons, Diablos can transform into a scythe, and Seraph can transform into a sword. Esper 1: Diablos, a master of gravity. He can bend gravity at will to lift enormous objects with ease, or make gravity around his opponents so strong that they can't walk. Diablos has shared a link with Devas for three years, and the two are great friends- though he almost never sees eye to eye with Seraph. Esper 2: Seraph, a master of time. An angelic force who can increase her speed to move blindingly fast or slow the opponents down. Seraph sees herself as Devas's conscious and often tries to stop him from making rash decisions and to do the right things. He listens occasionally. Other: