117.stand at the entrance of the door to the store and tell everybody that comes in 'YOU SUCK!'
you stole that from me.
you forgot 'have a nice day.' you just got to love walter. 57.start throwing coke cans at peoples head.
where did everybody go.
55.start cutting smiles on peoples faces.
just squeeeeeeeeeeed.
i dont know,i just said it cause i can. hug for you
50.start light something on fire and yell 'HOOOPLAA'
diss for liking yaoi.
diss for breaking the chain of combos that we had going.
yeah,that dude who got hit in 'manland' was his wife,and the kid that hit him was in fact his son.
46.break dance in the middle of the store and then ask for money.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQdXr1KGeMM *roflol* cant..............................stop......................laughing.
:ninja:*ninja hug from the shadows*
yeah,i don't like yaoi or yuri,but i can still laugh at how funny most of the stuff is. actually i bought a three pack.i don't know why though. *day dreams* oh yeah,that why. *hands haseo a cup*
i gots me a cup for that.
41.start tackling people and calling them daddy.
embrace the yaoi emma *roflol*
actually,i don't know if you guys have seen this but. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MtbA6zJFlM&feature=related *it's yaoi*
35.run around the store yelling 'THIS IS SPARTA'