there are trying to get into our lives. *runs around screaming*
is a sad panda.
is paranoid.
greetings larxene~rox~4~eva,i'm pirateking_luffy.i'd like to welcome you back to kh-vids.i hope you can become a daily logger the updated nice to everyone cause it's cool.fear the mods i guess,if you want to,i personally don't.hahahhah.and welcome back.
bernie was a awesome's sad to know he passed away sick.i will miss him.R.I.P Bernie.
oh,ok then.i thought you were talking about me there for a sec.
huh,oh.then it must have been another game that looked like it,cause i remember playing a final fantasy on nes back in the days,or i could be wrong,i don't know anymore.
i knew he was from fantasia and i thought he was easy(compared to ursala).pretty much the same tactics just easier.he took me one trys while ursla took two trys to win.
huh?what?you confuse me.
*stabs you with lightsaber* *steals your premmy powers* BAWHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
i think i have played this way back in the day when i had a nes.can't really remember seeing as i was 5 when i had one so.
but i think i post more then you val-chan.
i'm going to say one,cause i never used limit in kh2,cause of all the reaction commands made the fights easier.but this is my opinion.
i'm almost half way there.
hooch is crazy.
i feel loved. :kiss::kiss:
sweet. *bows to teal awesomeness*
actually she wants my post.
is lonely *hugs you*
yeah maybe it was,but it's to late to fix it. *lowers head in shame*