Cute:D:D:D:D!!!*tries to steal* Lol I can imagine!!! I sometimes call my dog, Cookie...He has a brown spot on his back!:D remind my of cookies...mmm. *gets the milk*
Me bored.. I posted and still Back hurts...darn bed... im getting old...*falls to ground* I like like cookies? I like Rainbow...although i haven't tried them since 2 years T_T I like like icecream?? Icecreams good, coconut is my goody one, next beginning to hate rolo...theres not enough rolo's in the icecream box T_T Answer my question... Are You Bored??? From the bored Mexony Fist Hanger From my other account, im bored. I like cookies...oreo Xemnas: I like sugar!!!:O Me: So..???" Xemnas: Cookies has sugar does it?? Me: No... Xemnas- You lying?? Me: Why would I lie? Xemnas:Ok... *Xemnas walks out* Me- I was lying... Saix: I'm telling on you!!! Me:Snitch..
Have a pet? Random question. Just curious.... Pet-Dog Type-Jack Russel Terrier Name- Milo He's so cute..accept when he bites me..when I try to take something from him xD What's your pet?
Thanks:D Glad you liked it!!!:D:D:D Here's chapter 4 part 2 of 3. Schools coming tomorrow...*sigh* ohwell, weekends i'll have time. The Story of Rodul ~Chapter 4 -(part 2 of 3) So everyone bought their suits. Well Larxene didn't, shes not a guy.. Shall we check on her? ~Women's Wear~ "Arrgh!!! I can't find a single darn dress!" Larxene said stressed out. A lady walked by and looked over to Larxene. "Something wrong ma'm?" She asked. Larxene looked over and crossed her arms. "Yes. Your. Store. Stinks!" She said. The lady's eyes buldged. "Oh really? It doesn't smell in here, does it!!?" She said. Larxene grinned. "I meant you." The lady turned around and sniffed under her arm. "No i don't!!!" she said. Larxene chuckled. "Yes you do, have you taken a shower? Oh wait. I bet you don't have one!" Larxene laughed. The lady had enough, her face turned from a nice tan skin to burning red. "ARRRGHHH!!" She jumped onto Larxene pulling her hair. "OWW!!! OH YOU ASK FOR IT!!!" Larxene said summoning her kunais. She threw on kunai straight at the ladies leg making her fall. "OW!!!Rule number one! No tools!" She said painfully. Larxene grinned. "Your store stinks lady, and so do you." Larxene said dissmissing her kunais. Larxene turned around walking out the store. "Pathetic lady...she hurt my hair..." Larxene said fixing her hair back to where it was. All the 12 members sat on a bench. Some stood, some sat down. "What suit did you get?" Xigbar asked Xaldin. Xaldin took his suit out the bag. "This. It's lovely...." Xaldin said..gazing at the suit. Xemnas sighed. "I got a white suit..."Saix said. Xemnas toom out a white suit also. "I have mines..its white and it reminds me of the lovely castle." He said putting his suit back in the bag. "I got pink." Marluxia happily said. Vexen sighed. "We know...actually...I-I know." Marluxia turned around. "Your just jelous because i got a way hotter suit than you!" Marluxia tuanted. Vexen raised his eye brow. "Excuse me? As for you know, i hate pink! It suck's d-" "Silence...I don't wanna hear anymore." Zexion said pausing the two. "Well the Emo speaks!!!" Axel said. Zexion stood up and walked to Axel. "Shut-up Axel." He said. Axel laughed. "You shut-up Got It Memorized???" Axel said putting his finger on his forehead. "Whatever." Zexion said walking away. After waiting for some minute they saw Larxene walking to another store. She was holding 5 bags. 3 on her left,2 on her right. "Whoa, that girl never drops when she shops." Marluxia said. "Let's leave this place, and go back home." Xemnas said getting up. "What about Larxene? Wouldn't she be mad?" Roxas asked curiously. "No, she knows we always leave her, she'll teleport herself home." Xemnas said walking to the closest exit. All nodded and walked behind The "Superior" :D ~ Home~ Luxord walked in and put the bag down, boy it was heavy. "Finally...we arrive..." Demyx said falling to the floor. Luxord laughed. "Stuey." Luxord said chuckling. Xemnas took out a note. *sigh* "Okay everyone, we got chores...Xaldin and Marluxia make the food, Decorations..Xigbar, Roxas, Axel and Zexion,Cleaning...Saix, Me , Vexen and Lexaeus, Music...Doofu-Demyx!(That was close.) um..cook also, Larxene does nothing..." Xemnas said. Everyone nodded and headed straight to what they were supposed to do. ~Kitchen~ "Guys i'm captain chef, and I will tell you what to do." Xaldin said manly. Xaldin walked to the hanger grabbing 3 approns. "We must, grab the ingrediants and I will tell you what the ingrediants be." Xaldin said throwing the appron into Luxord's and Marluxia's hands. "We need...milk,strawberries, banana and some whip cream..." Xaldin said deviously. "What's with you with shakes?" Marluxia asked. "You..SHAKE-YAY-...Ahem..them.." "Sicko..." Luxord said. Xaldin stuck his tongue out. "What ever, anyways..make what you want!" Xaldin said. Marluxia smiled. "I'm making my Ribbs!!!!" He said excitedly. "I'm making...fruit punch..." Xaldin said. "I'll make...something..." Luxord said. Right away they went cooking. Until a yell came. "MY FINGER!!!! MY FINGER!!! I'm BLEEDING!!!" Xaldin screamed running back and forth. Luxord sighed. "What happened?" He asked. Xaldin shrugged. "I was cutting the pineapple...and it happened..." Xaldin said buldging his eyes. Luxord sighed turning back to his food. "Imbecile.." ~ Flash Back~ "Now class I want you to cut some fruits! We're making a fruit punch mega-mega for the Dance Night." The teacher said. She passed on fruit on the table. "Each of you get's a fruit.." Rodul looked at the knife, and then the fruit. It was pineapple. "Come'on Rodul, cut the pineapple!" Celia said. Rodul nodded beginning. "Ow!!!" Celia said looked at her finger." "What happened?" Rodul asked. "My finger's bleeding...damn knife..." Rodul took out a tissue randomly and placed it onto her bleeding finger. "Better?" He asked smiling. "Yeap...thanks..Rodul." Celia said blushing. "THERES NO BLUSHING IN COOKING CLASS!!!" The teacher said. Celia turned around. "She's dumb."Celia said. Rodul laughed. "True my number..." ~End Flash Back~ "LUXORD LET GO OF MY HAND!!!" Marluxia yelled. Luxord looked up and let go fast. "Are you...g@\/ or something!!!?" Marluxia yelled. "No!!!" | Marluxia turned around. "Looks like it." Luxord grinned. "I'll cut you in half flower boy." Luxord said. "THATS FLOWER POWER to you Mr. Gamble!!!" Marluxia said. Luxord sighed. "What ever." ~Demyx's Room~ "What song...." Demyx clicked on the play button to search through All the Girls in the Bathroom Talking, who they gonna take to the Sadie Hawkins? My ears are burning but I kept on walking, smile on my face and air guitar rockin! Sadie Hawkins Dance In my khaky pants theres nothing better! Oh, oh ,oh! "Perfect...What else..." Demyx said smiling. To Be Continued. Sorry if it was short...V_V I'm in a hurry for some reason. I'll right the next chapter Saturday! Or...Sunday!!! Weekdays I have no time..thanks to school -_-'
Heres umm...chapter...4!!!!ENJOY:D Okay im gonna focus on some other members to but the main topic will still remain! :D The Story of Rodul ~Chapter 4: Dancing Night(part 1 of 3) It's already the Next very fast. Luxord got out of bed. He decided to take it a bit easy today after the inccident from yesterday. He walked to his calendar that had the picture of a Dice. "Dancing Night!??" Luxord said. *knock knock* "Come in..and pay 30 munny." Luxord said strictly There was a sigh from the other side. *screee* The door opened Xaldin walked in with a bag of munny. "Come." Luxord put his hand out. "Here...30 munny." Xaldin said passing the munny in his hands. "Thank-yup!" Luxord said grinning. Xaldin walked out and so did Luxord. ~Living Room~ "Alright everyone, now that we're all's DANCING NIGHT!!!" Xemnas said excited in sarcasm. "Yay..."They all said...sarcasticly. "Ok here's the deal i don't know why this event was put up...but it's a all the worlds out here it is..the for an outfit...a tux for men...we have partners.....Me and Saix, Xigbar and Zexion, Xaldin and Lexaeus, Roxas and Axel, Demyx and Luxord, and Vexen with Marluxia...Larxene goes on her own." Xemnas said..clearly. Larxene walked out to the door leaving. "So let's go." They all nodded. Each member took all their munny for a tux. ~Hollow Bation- worlds biggest mall~ All the members arrived at the mall. "Who knew there was ever a mall in Hollow Bation?" Vexen asked. "Not sure..they probably opened it..long ago.." Xigbar said. "Okay stick with your damn-I" Xemnas said. They all nodded at once and walked off with their partner. "So Roxas...what colour are you gonna wear?" Axel asked. Roxas shrugged. "What ever looks best on me I guess...what about you?" Roxas questioned back. Axel chuckled. "Lovely red..or black" Axel said simply. Roxas nodded. "So much is a tux or uniform of whatever?" Roxas asked. Axel shrugged. "Don't know, haven't been in a mall for a loooooonnnnnnngggg time." Axel said. Roxas nodded. "I don't think i ever had a mall haha." Roxas said laughing. The two laughed. ~Meanwhile in the Mens Wear number 1~ "Does this look good or what!?" Marluxia said making a pose. "Suppose you find another colour or any other then pink?" Vexen said. Marluxia shooked his head. " is hot!" Marluxia said. Vexen hushed Marluxia right away. "Shut-up Marluxia! People will hear you!" He hissed. Marluxia nodded. "Well...let's try a 'lighter' pink." Marluxia said going back in the change room. Vexen sighed. "Too much pink..." ~ Meanwhile in the Mens Wear number 2~ "Oh God..." Xaldin said admiring the nice black tux. "This is perfect...what you think Lexaeus?" Xaldin asked turning to him. "Yeah I guess.." Lexaeus said admiring the Navy tux. Xaldin cocked his head, and walked forward to Lexaeus. "I guess!? Lexy! This was made for me!" Xaldin said hugging the suit. "Um excuse me sir there is no expressing with a suit in the store." A man said with a black shirt on. He walked away and Xaldin stuck his tongue at him. "Meany..." Lexaeus chuckled. "I'm gonna try on my suit." Lexaeus said walking into one of the changerooms. While he was in there. " It's a bit...ti-IGHT!!" Lexaeus said. "Oh my god...Xaldin let's get out of here." Lexaeus said fast. Xaldin shooked his head. "No way and what for?" "I...broke or..ripped the suit cause of my size..." Lexaeus said. All Xaldin could do was laugh. "Oh man! Hahaha! Your s-size!? BWAHAHAHA!" Lexaeus put his cloak back on, without the suit. "Let's get out of here now." Xaldin stopped laughing. "Wait! Let me pay for this lovely suit!" Xaldin whined. "Did you even try it on?" Lexaeus asked. Xaldin shooked his head. "No, but I know it'll fit me ^_^" Xaldin said hugging the suit. ~ Meanwhile in the Mens Wear number 3~ Xigbar and Zexion were looking through the suits. Seeing the size, colour, etc. "Find one yet Zexion?" Xigbar asked still looking through. Zexion shooked his head. "No..I don't even want anything." Zexion said stopping. Xigbar turned around holding a black suit along with a black tie. "Should I wear these?" Xigbar asked holding them. Zexion shrugged. "Try them on and see." Xigbar nodded. So Xigbar rushed to the change room to try on the suit. "Man this fits!" Xigbar said in the change room. "Yeah whatever." Zexion said waiting. After a minute, Xigbar came walking out in the suit. Indeed he looked very...handsome. "Do I look good in it?" He asked. Zexion pointed to the mirror. "*sigh* See for your-self." Yes handsome indeed, Xigbar looked into the Mirror and saw himself in the suit. "Wow..i'm gonna buy this..." Xigbar said amazed still looking at himself wearing the black suit along with the black tie. Zexion nodded. "Okay." Zexion said looking away. "What wrong dude? Your like now, trying any suits on." Xigbar said walking forward to Zexion. He sighed. "I don't....know how to dance...I don't look good in suits...i can't afford attitude is very..very..lame." Zexion said. Xigbar looked over and put his arm around his neck. "I'll teach you! Cheer up man, i'll even buy your suit!" Xigbar said smiling. Zexion looked over and gave a tiny smile. "Ok." Xigbar let go of Zexion and looked through for a suit. "Try this one." Xigbar said handing him a black suit. Zexion turned around and went in one of the change rooms to change. "How's it going 'lil dude? Does it fit?" Xigbar asked waiting outside. After Zexion came walking out, in the suit. "Well...?" Zexion said looking down. "Man you look good in this!" Xigbar said. Zexion looked to the mirror. "Your...right...thanks..Mr.Free." Zexion said. "Now go change back and we can buy these popp'in clothes!" Xigbar said. ~Suits for Men~ In the other store Xemnas and Saix were looking through some hangers. "Xemnas..." Saix quietly said. Xemnas turned his head. "I found one.." He took his hand out and showed Saix the suit. It had White all over with a black tie. "Uhm...that's good." Saix said turning away. Xemnas nodded heading for the change room. "Xemnas you shouldn't bring your organge juice with you.'' Saix said putting his hands behind his back. Xemnas gave a pathetic laugh. "Please Saix! I'm careful!" Xemnas said closing the door in the change room. "Oh boy.." Saix said turning away not to here the spill. *SPLAT* "AAAHHH The suit it's- it's ruined!!!!" Xemnas yelled. Saix sighed. After a man in a red top with army shorts came walking. "Something wrong sir?" He said tapping the door. "Oh yes, my organge juice spilt on the white suit and now i'm ruined." Xemnas said coming out. The man's eyes widened. "Sir your gonna have to pay for that!" He said. Xemnas raised his eyebrow. "Pay? It's just a stain!!!" Xemnas said pointing at the suit with the orange stain. "I know sir but did you read before you entered!? It said whatever bad happens to the suit! YOU MUST PAY!!!" The man said pointing over to the sign. Xemnas was about to summon his aerial blades until Saix came whispering through his ears. "Xemnas i'll pay for it and then I can wear it and you can buy another white suit." Saix whispered. Xemnas sighed and pointed to the man. While Saix was paying, Xemnas was still pointing to him. "Your lucky youngster! I would've sliced you in half!!!!" Xemnas insulted. Saix pulled Xemnas out the suit shop. "Okay Superior let's go somewhere else!" He said. Xemnas huffed. " That young man should learn his manners!!!" ~ Clothing for the handsomes!!!~ In that store, Luxord and Demyx were in there looking for a nice suit( or whatever :S ) ~Flash Back~ "Dude man find a suit!" Rodul's friend whined. "I'm hurrying! You know the dance starts in an hour so we have the dice time!" Rodul said. "Your girl-friend will be mad if your late!" Rodul's friend said. "Cliff! I'm not gonna be late, go on to the dance! I'll be there in 20 minutes!" Rodul said. Cliff looked at Rodul one last time and left. "I need a black comfy suit!" Rodul said. Finally he found one. "Yes!!! I got it!" He cheered. So Rodul went on to change fast to see if it fits. Indeed it did. Rodul rushed out paying for the suit. So he rushed off to his house to change and then after to the school to dance. 'My time's running, out.' Rodul thought. ~ End Flash-Back~ "Dude!!!" Demyx said. Luxord looked over. "Go get a suit and pay!!!" Demyx said. "What about you?" Luxord asked. "Oh me? I already payed! Now go!!" Demyx said. It seemed he was in a rush. Luxord nodded leaving into the change room with a random suit. It was the suit that he wore when he was 17. Only abit cooler with an extra pocket on the bottom. "How's this?" Luxord asked breathless. He was rushing to much he ran out of air. Demyx nodded. "Fine." To be Continued. Next part will come out soon! or Tomorrow!!!
Lol Insane question!!! Lol Would you like to be Sora's Brother??? Or Riku's Brother. I choose...Riku...for some reason...i went all like....Inny-Minnie-Minny-Mo lol XD (If that's how you spell it xD) I never had a brother before....just 2 sisters... So who you choose? Riku as your brother Or Sora as you brother. XDXDXDXD
I agree Demyx is a cutey lol. He's nice...*days dream*
Would it be good or bad? The organization living with you in your house. Sure it'd be cool. Think of what they do in there:| Chaos lol Well if you had a weapon, you can teach them. I would have to repair my house to be abit larger for the whole organization to fit in. What about bed time? Who would you snuggle with?? I say Roxas for me(L) He be warm and fuzzy!!! Lol so bad or good? Organization XIII living with you???
Here's the next chapter:D!!! Warning this contains romance! lol read if you'd like. Some lines may be funny...i think... The Story of Rodul ~Chapter 3 : Celia's Father ~ Luxord's Room~ Luxord slowly opened his eyes and looked around his room. It was raining lightly. Luxord sat up from his bed and stretched out yawning. "Man.." Luxord then rubbed his eyes and stood up, walking to the closet, to get his black cloak on. Then he went to go wash up and go downstairs for some breakfast. ~Kitchen~ Luxord walked in the kitchen and sat down on his chair. He tapped the table with his fingers of waiting. Xaldin turned around. "I'm going man! Just wait." Xaldin said. He was wearing and apron around his waist. "Okay..sorry for..yeah." Luxord said mumbling. He then took out two dices, they were pink. ~Flash Back~ "These are my pink dices. You can keep them." Celia said passing her pink dices to Rodul. "But...are you sure?" Rodul asked curiously. Celia nodded. "I got a new pink dices, so i gave you my old ones, I don't need 'em anymore, so keep it." Celia said. Rodul nodded. "Celia..." Rodul quietly said. Celia looked at Rodul. "You know-" "CELIA!!!! What are you doing alone in the dark with HIM!!!???" It was the father. Celia turned around. "He was just walking me-" "NO!!! He's not walking you home! I am! And me and your mother will talk about this later on! Rodul get the heck out of my face! I never want to see you with my daughter again!" The father yelled. Rodul nodded fast and ran away, to his home. Celia frowned. "Father! What are you doing!? Your always doing this to me! No one likes you Father! With your attitude around my friends!" Celia said. The Father stopped and gripped tight around her arm. "Don't you dare say that again! Your comnig home with me! And your grounded young lady!" The father yelled. He was gripping tight on Celia's arm, and pulled her arm. ~End Flash-Back~ "Luxord? Your scrambled eggs are ready!" Luxord looked up and nodded taking the fork in his hand. "Right..sorry I was just thinking." He said quietly. "Dude, you got something on your mind? You can tell me." Xaldin said patting his back. "'s nothing." Xaldin nodded and walked out the kitchen. "Why did Celia end up with such a cruel father?" He asked himself. Luxord took a piece of scrambled egg, from his plate and stuffed it into his mouth. "Gawd..why did this have to be so good!? Curse you Xaldin and your cooking!" ~Outside of the Castle~ Later that day Luxord was walking out. He stopped and looked at the only tree that was in The World That Never Was. "I remember climbing this thing...until i fell and broke my spine leaving a 4 week stay in bed." Luxord said chuckling to himself. ~ Flash Back~ Rodul was walking in the neighboor hood of Celia's. He heard crying from Celia's house. He figured it would be his Girl-friend. Rodul went behind the house and to the backyard. He climbed a tree that reached up to her room. "Okay..steady Rodul...don't wanna fall.." He said concentrating. So Rodul tapped the window. The window opened, Celia was there with red puffy eyes. "Oh..uh..Rodul..i can't talk to you anymore...and what are you doing here?" Celia asked. He blushed. "I came to see you, and I heard you crying." Rodul said frowning. After Rodul looked around. "Is your father here?" Rodul asked Celia shooked her head. "No. My dad went out of town to visit his friends, and my mom went along with i'm home alone." Celia said. Rodul nodded. "Can I come in?" He asked quietly. Celia nodded she took steps back while Rodul would get in. After Rodul enterd he gave Celia and great big hug. "I'm scared Rodul."Celia said. Rodul whispered through her ear. "One day you and I will take off, your father will never see us again, we'll be free. We can also call the cops on your father" Rodul said. Celia giggled. "Okay but not now hehe." The two looked at eachother gazing into their eyes. "I-" "Love-" "You" They both kissed eachother in the lip. The lips were touching smoothly. ~End Flash Back~ "Ohohoho!!!BWAHAHAHA Oh my god Luxord!" Everyone said laughing inside the living room. Larxene was trying to get Luxord's lips off her lips! "Mmmfff!!!" Larxene was struggling. Everyone continued to laugh. Luxord was kissing Larxene's lip quite smoothly. Xemnas came walking in with a cup of hot coffee. He was humming and then he opened his eyes. "WHAT!!??" Xemnas dropped his coffee with his eyes wide open. He was staring at Luxord kissing Larxene. "LUXORD THERE IS NO SMOOCHING IN THE LIVING ROOM!!!!" Xemnas yelled. Luxord opened his eyes and looked at Larxene. His eyes widened. He let go and wiped his mouth. Larxene whiped her mouth. "Ugh!!!" Everyone laughed harder. "Oh god...Luxord your dirty boy!!!!" Larxene went over and stomped his foot. She walked away mumbling. "I need some listerine.." Luxord cocked his head. "What just happened???" Luxord asked everyone. The all laughed but then went in silence. "Let me tell ya." Axel said putting his arm on Luxord's shoulder. "You walked in and while Larxene was walking to the couch holding a cup of icecream you suddenly ran to her and gave her a hug then a HUMONGOUS kiss!!!" Everyone laughed again. "Oh..uh..." Luxord walked off hearing the laugh behind him. He thought ' Man i cheated big time! '' she be mad at me!!!" " And god why the hearts did I kiss that Savage Larxene!!!??? End of Chapter 3. Funny ending? I thought it was funny at the ending. Hoped you like it. Comment it you like!!!!
Continuing on with the story here's Chapter 2! ~ The Story of Rodul ~ Chapter 2: Remembering Celia ~ Throne Room~ Luxord was continuing to shuffle his deck of cards. "Man what takes the Superior so long?" After a few minutes The Superior came in teleporting to his seat. "Sorry...I was still eating...KFC..." Luxord nodded still shuffling his deck of cards. "So what was that all about back in the kitchen?" Xemnas asked while crossing his arms. Luxord sighed and turned away from the Superior. "Nothing..I was just..never mind." Luxord quietly said. Xemas nodded and took out a sheet of paper from his pocket. "Well it's okay..if you don't tell i made this before i came here." Xemnas threw the paper to Luxord, Luxord took the paper and looked at it. ' Clean the Whole Castle' Luxord put the paper in his pocket and sighed. "Fine.." Xemnas grinned and teleported out. And so did Luxord. ~Hall way ~ Luxord had a mop in his hands, he was sliding it from left ----to right. It seemed alittle fun, yet boring. "What's next?" ~Flash Back~ "This is B-O-R-I-N-G!" Rodul whined. He was mopping in the halls, in the middle of a Sunday at high-school. "Aww Rodul! It's not that bad! You can have ways to have fun!" A voice said, mopping along with Rodul. Rodul looked over and stopped mopping. "Oh really? Show me Celia, how is mopping making fun or whatever?" Rodul asked. Celia. Celia had dark brown hair it was wavy, it was all the way to her shoulders she always wore a bandana, dice bandanas, she had blue eyes, she had the same skintone as Rodul, she wore black baggy pants, a dice shirt, and her shoes were Nike having some snake eyes on it for laces. "Like this silly!" Celia took the mop and began dancing with it. All Rodul could do was laugh. "Like that?" Rodul said catching his breath. Celia grinned and took Rodul's hand and pulled him she then began dancing with him, silly style. The floor was wet, of course. "See?" Celia said, they were both still dancing on the wet floor. Rodul laughed. "Yeah, this is fun." After the dancing Celia letted go and slid to the ground falling over. So did Rodul. Rodul stood up, and grabbed the mop and pretended his was a rockstar, playing the electric guitar. Celia giggled, and joined in. "You two! Quit playing and mop!!!" A teacher said. The two stopped and went back to mopping. Celia smiled to Rodul. Rodul's cheeks went red. They both walked forward to eachother and closed there eyes, there lips were getting closer. Slowly. "Hey!!!Hello!!!!Luxord!!! What the hearts are you doing!!!?" ~End Flashback~ Luxord had his lips ready to kiss until- "LUXORD!!!" Luxord snapped out of it and saw the mop, infront of him. He turned around and saw Roxas, Xigbar and Larxene standing. All Luxord could do was continue to mop and ignore them. There was giggling at the back. "Man Luxord what are you thinking!?" Xigbar said laughing. Luxord took forward and whipped Xigbar with the mop, to the back of his bum. "Owww!! That's my butt your whapping!? Xigbar said rubbing his butt. Luxord chuckled and walked away. ~Luxord's room~ Luxord came walking in his room, he shut the door behind him and went lying down on his bed. "I'm finished...finally." ~Flash Back~ "Wow i'm beat!! That whole mopping thing!" Rodul said wiping the sweat off his forehead. Celia looked over and waved her hand to a bartender. Rodul looked to the bartender, The bartender was walking forward to them. "What can i do with ya today?" He said having the note pad in his hands. "Two milkshakes..." She said looking for some munny in her pocket. The bartender nodded turning around. "They sell milkshakes here?" Rodul asked. Celia nodded. "Yeah it's unusual, but hey." she said still digging for munny. Rodul put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll pay." Celia smiled. "Here ya go! a milkshake!" He said placing a chocolate milkshake on the counter table...or yeah... Celia looked over and saw only one. "Um..sir..i asked for-" "Two straws for both of ya!" He said placing the two straws in the one milkshake. He walked away. Celia shrugged and took her straw sipping the milkshake, through her straw. Rodul blushed. "You think he thought we were love.....dice?" Celia nodded. "Yeah he guessed that....but ohwell." Rodul took his straw and sipped the milkshake through his straw. They both smiled. Celia looked over and took the straw out of her milkshake. "You can have the rest." Rodul nodded and took the whole milkshake. "Wanna go to your house and play some cards? Your style?" She asked. Rodul nodded and took his mouth off the straw, "Sure, let's go!" They both stood up. "Race you, to your house. 10 munny who ever gets to the house first." Celia said. Luxord nodded. "Ready set go!" ~End Flash Back~ Luxord looked over and placed the pillow over his face. "Argh! Why did that flashback have to end like that!? I wanted to know who won!" *knock knock* "What you want?" The door opened, Saix was there. "Xemnas said sleep now, or more chores for you and we burn your cards." Luxord nodded taking his cards close to him. Saix shutted off the light and closed the door behind him. Luxord stood up, brushed his teeth, took off his earring he had on , and changed and etc. After he rushed to his bed and layed down and slowly shut his eyes. ~Dream~ "Rodul? What if the game we play, goes to game over?" Celia asked quietly. Rodul looked over and placed his arm around her. "Non-sense you and I can never end the game! I mean i would dice everything over your heart." Celia smiled and hugged Rodul. "I could win your heart also." Rodul kissed Celia on her cheek. Celia smiled. "What are you doing!?? Celia! Who told YOU to invite this gambling boyfriend of yours!!!" Celia turned around and stood up, so did Rodul. "Uh...father..I thought you were at work." Celia said. The father shooked his head. "Young lady, get this boy-friend of yours out! Remember!? No guys in the house but me! Your cousins! and MY friends!" The father yelled. Rodul headed for the door and Celia followed. "Sorry Rodul.." Celia said quietly. Rodul nodded. He knew the only thing he hated was her father. ~End Dream~ To be continued. Like it? See more next time soon, tomorrow dunno when! :D
My new story and yeap, hope it's good? Well let's get on with the story shall we? (Based on Luxord from Organization XIII) :D The story of Rodul In the Castle That Never Was, it was raining, water was pouring from the dark sky. Lightning striked, Thunder boomed or went... ~Luxord's Room~ Luxord was alone in his room, shuffling his cards over and over again. He letted out a big sigh, of boredem. He then turned his head to a photo, he sighed again. "How are you? Any news? You miss me?" Luxord grabbed the photo of the shelf and placed it on his chest gently, staring at the ceiling. ~Flash-Back~ ~Park~ The 17 year-old teenager was shuffling cards. "She's late...once again." He said quietly. A girl came across tapping the 17 year-old's shoulder. "I'm here! Sorry if I was late! I found some cool dices and i couldn't resist to buy them! Hope your not..mad." She said slowly putting her head down. "It's okay, you were only..4 or 5 minutes late." She looked up and hugged the 17 year old teen. '' Thanks for understanding. Your the only guy I can trust." The 17 year-old hugged her back and whispered in her ear. "I'm never leaving you, never I will cheat of you. I will play the game right." The two letted go and stared into their eyes. "Wanna play go-fish at my house?" He nodded. The both holded hands and walked out the park. As they walked, the sun was going down. ~ End Flash-Back ~ "Me dice... I didn't play the game right..." Luxord quietly said. He took the photo of his chest and placed it back on his shelf. "I miss you so much." *knock, knock* Luxord turned his head to the door and sighed. "Who is it?" he said. "It's me Demyx! Xemnas told me to come get you for dinner!" Demyx said. Luxord got up from his bed and walked to the door. He turned the knob and opened it a little. "What are we having?" He asked to Demyx. Demyx put his hand on his chin thinking. "Uhm....i think we're having KFC..." Luxord shooked his head and closed the door. "Forget it, i'm not hungry." Luxord said walking back to his bed. "Huh why? Dude you gotta eat! Or later there be no food!" Demyx moaned. Luxord shooked his head once again facing to the window. "I'm not hungry and for wasting my time, slide in a 100 munny for wasting my dice time." Luxord heard Demyx sighed while hearing a jingle through his pocket. *Slide* Luxord looked to the door and saw 100 munny on the floor. "That's better...." ~Kitchen~ At the kitchen there was a long table there were 13 seats. It went from across. Demyx came running in the kitchen getting ready to feast on the chicken. As he sat down he saw Xemnas sitting while eating. He swallowed his food and looked at Demyx. "Where's Luxord? Is he coming?" Demyx shooked his head, as he was taking a piece of chicken. "No he said he wasn't hungry." There was chuckle. "He's not hungry? He's always hungry..somethings up." Axel said. Marluxia looked to Axel. "Why is that?" He said sipping his cola. "Well if your not hungry, then somethings up. When i'm down i don't feel like doing nothing but lying on my bed." Saix looked to Xemnas then back to Axel. "So...what IF your not hungry?" Axel's cheeks went red. "Well...uh..that can happen to.." Saix rolled his eyes and went back to eating. While they were eating the Gambler came in walking into the kitchen. "Your not hungry?" Xaldin asked while dipping his straw in the cola. Luxord shooked his head and sat down beside Demyx and Marluxia. "I am hungry... hey um pass me the chicken?" Luxord said. Larxene reached the chicken and passed him one. "There ya' go." Luxord took the chicken and took a bite out of it. He swallowed the piece and looking around the table. "Why are you all staring at me?" He asked suspiciously. Xemnas took the napkin wiping his hands. " Something up? " Luxord got up from his seat walking out. "None of your buisness." "Excuse me?" Xemnas said while getting up. "I said none of your buisness." Luxord said once again. Xemnas sighed annoyed and walked to Luxord grabbed his hood. He whispered through his ear. "Throne" Luxord sighed and teleported off. Xemnas turned around and went back to sit down and chow down on the KFC. "Everyone stop staring at me and eat." Xemnas said annoyed. They all stopped and turned back to their food and chowed down also. ~ Throne Room ~ Luxord teleported in his seat and took out his cards shuffling them. "Man..." He stopped shuffling for a minute and looked to the cards. "I miss you so much. I wish you were here gambling with me and staying with me forever." Thats the end of the first chapter! I hoped you liked it! Next one will come out tomorrow or soon!:D Wonder who Luxord's talking about...*grin*