I asked about the games...some answered....well alot...few...i dunno! What systems you have and soon or wish to get? I got Ps2,Gamecube, and GBA sp Soon to get a DS i dunno what colour...
Yeap thats true...but my parents should trust me when it comes to games..i don't go breaking..them....*cough*sister*cough* he..he? Well to late to buy that game...i already asked for one thing. A Ds i dunno what colour i know they have black and white but the other colours??? i shouldn't worry about buying games for now cuz im getting a DS lite...or light for christmas which is..not...far...yes...far...away... waiting for the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days
Yeah!:D I thought when someone thought the shrek thing...they would think im weird to buy that, but im not1:D i like fantasy...shrek is boring and graphics are bad in my term. That's alot of games!!!!:O i am jelous! lol
I want Shadow the HedgeHog..ever since it came out, but my parents don't listen to me when it comes to buying a game. sometimes they listen...if i beg..... i want Final Fantasy also...i dunno which one..though..i never get the bad games, but the good ones-_-'
Oh the Shrek..i didn't buy that..ofcourse I can't afford anything-_-' My sisters bought it,because they thought it would be fun in my mind im saying that was a waste of money.....KH rules...myheart
i play video games for ps2,GBAsp and gamecube ahem lemme say my games... PS2-Kingdom Hearts: Rated E -Kingdom Hearts II: Rated E+10 -Shrek kart race: Rated E -Shrek the third..?: Rated E - Fifa 2006 (soccer): Rated E My ps2 games:D...alot rated E's....... My GC Games:D Gamecube- Animal Crossing - Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life -The Simpsons Hit and Run - Kirby Airride - Sonic Heroes - Sonic Adventure Battle 2 -The Incredibles Finally my GBA games. GameboyAdvance: Mario party Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town Pac-Man (love that game(L)) Donkey Kong I can't help these games....some games i didn't even want! my sisters bought some of em I like KHII and Animal Crossing and Pac-Man Whats your videos games? (Soon to get a DS:D)
i should've colour the background *sigh* but I was lazy to do that, drawing Axel's hair was fun but hard, i kept messing up, to much erasingxD :D
Sure I would love to hear it:D Oh and Thankyou for replying to this thread:D
Everytime we have to eat after every bite we take every feeling that i get i get full but non-stop every dinner that I have by every sigh and scream we make all the feelings that i get but i still dont get a chance only one can say the word I.Hate.Xemnas's Chocolate Cake! Why do I- eat it I.Hate.Xemnas's Chcolate Cake Why do I eat it!? that it.....all i have Copying the I hate Everything About you song. not making fun of it, but everyday i come up with a song filling the organization in it *eats cake*
I drew this, on my spare time:D I got into drawing..i was only drawing Roxas but I decided to add Axel also so this picture is the meaning of Best-friends:D
Wow! That was so awesome!:D I liked the peach part lol. Keep it up.:D
Thanks!!!:D i married elli twice -_-|'||, my sister "accidently" deleted my file. im starting all over again this time i'm gonna try and marry ann
True that..i realized that after i got off the computer*sigh* ohwell..:D
I played Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life(boy version) and Friends of Mineral Town (boy version) And...the girl version also,oh and magical melody, although i rented it:D which i gave back already...5 day s ago. it's fun, i like planting and playing around in town. though.Many fun. When I had the boy version I named my person Zachary. My son Matt and my wife was Celia. Which she was easy to get:D Nami oneday I would like to see how it's like to marry her.:D Blue feathers cool. :D you play Harvest Moon? GC,GBA ,Ps2
From the Animal Crossing past who is your most favourite Animal in There? I say... Lucy:D Try to remember the person you liked in AC DS or GC
Wifi ohh.... i don't really know what that is... Hopefully if i get it..one day...i'll get to connect or i'll make some videos of my playing Animal Crossing. Youtube name: roxaslovergurl22 I'll make slideshows and videos of animal crossing:D KK Slider: They never accepted me Me:Ok...play me a song! KK Slider: Forget you im going to Tom Nook!
yeah:D i need to start a new file on the DS i deleted it..i dunno why KK.Slider is so cool Crazy Redd..is cool also...except for the price of the furniture I like the raffle day:D Prizes:D I feel special:D Glad I wasn't the only one who played Animal Crossing:D
i started playing mines last month...i already got my basement:D I wanna finish my house*sigh* i don't wanna pay.. I got ...trying to remember my animals there Opal-Elephant Spike- Dino or something.. Sporko-Pig Bones-Dog :D he's so cute Tutu-white bear Axel- Gray elephany I couldn't believe I got Axel i was thinking of khII that time Olive- Gray bear Gruff- Goat Iggy-Goat Mint-Squirrel Patty-brown cow Lucy-pig she's cute also very nice thats my people so far i used to have... Mitzi Gaston and..i forgot the other one -_-|'||
Play animal crossing? for Gc..or DS? just curious...i only know..im the only one who plays it..so far...so does my sister... So yeah Play Animal Crossing. KK.Slider: Can I play my music yet? Me: No! Not unless you give me that new song! KK.Slider: Forget you, im going to TWTNW Me: THEY'll never accept you!! *cricket noise*