another something in common*shy smile* I wasn;t really good at making friends in grade 4, i was the "new kid" I made friends until grade 5.....i feel so sad when i see someone alone... I think of me...:( aww man im feeling bad! When i was alone in recess... I got to the corner and face the wall and pretend that im drawing and making an adventure yes i have a imaginative mind:D
Thats weird...that happened to me... A group of girls waved to me and said" HEY!!! WHAT's UP GIRL-FRIENDS*giggle giggle*.... I quickly walk forward ahead and and think What wrong with U?? lol i also have a bully zone...i have a ball in my hand this guy takes it away and runs i ignore them put my kinda sad face and walk around the school, i get it back*grins* That works everytime:D Woah lol antimatter I wonder what that means never heard of it before. What that teach said sounds like a nobdy of heartless or something!:D lol
Lol that happens also! :D The heart is something in your body my teachers says... i think of kingdom hearts What ever my teacher says something always deals with kingdom hearts a week ago my french teacher wrote sora by accident lol and i heard roxas on the annoucements:S lol pretty weird
That happens also...i present and i speak at the right level for people to hear. That's really weird but i wanna get a good mark because i promised my parents ...*cough* A teacher asking me a questions heats me up for some reason. i burn inside and my face feels red somethings wrong with my when asnwering a
Good kid:D lol same here today my visual teacher said "Noemy! What a Beautiful name! In Spanish am i right?" Thats very weird..i wish i'd be in the back of the class and quietly read my book im reading once again " The Empty Mirror"*glares*good book
Went shy in 5th year? Wonder how that happen I've been shy ever since i went to school... I can imagine the shirt alright:D Sounds cool shirt im more of a sweater person for some reason im not used to wearing shirts makes me feel cold and naked*shocks* for some reason lol
I agree with you i had that also...i don't know why some teachers teased me cuz i never said a word in grade.5 One teacher who was a math teacher would always come to me and stepp infront of me and lean under to see me face and she's like. "What's your name? Howdy Doo" No answer from me. she kept doing that until i finally left to grade 6 *scores* wooter:D
Aww me to...unless if its an anoyying...boy...dang they get hit lol i love hitting for some reason i have a policy at home where I can't hit anyone:D Falling asleep eh? I can imagine that..i think *imagines* *see's Mish sleeping* Wow..:D lol
This in my head has been going on. What are you in class? Im quiet..peacefully...i look kinda depressed if im quiet, someone told me. I'm a shy-ish child when im with a teacher! But they should bewarre...*glares* they can get beat up if any bad words enter my face*evil laughs* *cough* excuse me Anyways what are you in class? Nosy? Angry? Sad? i dunno:D:D:D
i still think having money in my name is..weird...for some reason i never noticed until...i was 8
In my head? Wow:) *tries to see* i can't see:( lol i like the title by the way:D
Im gonna say my true name since no one bothered to say it lolxD:D Mexony= Noemy. to pronounce it right.... No-m-e thats how you say it. Noemy is my true name:D latin name...spanish Noemy+X=Mexony:D wooters
*gets hit* My arm...oh no you didn't! Your burned my sweet arm. *throws sand tornado* I feel like a little child...i always imagined and daydream...alot:D
Aww thats so sad:( patterson pickle factory...aww.. This is the best maury show i've ever seen though.:)
Lol awesome name:D All elements eh? *summons fist quick* Lets see if your elements beat ma sand *does sand quick* wooters!!!:D:D:D lolxD
lol thats cool:D Wind blows my hair... Xaldin:Feel my hair Me: No Xaldin:What? ignoring...lolxD :D Lol thats fine with me hahaha:D M-E-O-N-Y not that name lol i have money in my name:D I feel special Yup:D Well if you can't think of one in your name with an X you can make one up:D
These names are all so cool:D Better than mine i have 6 letters M-E-X-O-N-Y What could my true name be?*chuckles*
Um...lemme think... Rank Nark karn arkn i give up....:D Though that name does sound tricky:D
Yeah yours is awesome!:D I like the name sounds cute lol:D
ok ok lemme take my time...*thinks* her name is Selhaxy so it could be....*guesses* Yashle Haysle Sleyha lashey yelsah yelsha leyash AH I GIVE UP.... Zexion:Woah... uh Zexion: Stupid? Me:YEah! Me:Wait......HEY Zexion*chuckles8 I can't guess, but i know silver bullets name, his name is easy..i think...