Lol !:D "get my the president" lol My tongue still hurts..i feel like im bleeding...i gotta check if I am!*checks mirror* Nope im not...
I was chewing some gum and i bit my tongue after hurts so much to me...and it feels like im bleeding but i'm not..kinda weird..
Lol the beginning was funny Gummy bear: I'm so happy cuz im a gummy bear! lol that cracked me up:D*laughs*
Lol!!!:D That was very funny! I loved it and i can't wait for more...teehee:D
Who's your favourite comedian? or musician...
Cool!:D I don't get money all the time...(im such a loser lol) End of Halloween eh thats long buth worth it...i think?:)
WOW:O that's alot *gasp* i'll try to help *drives bumper car* i'm on my way I hate not even aloud to hit my sisters it would cause alot of damage...i have plenty power in me that can't be out:( I'm sheltered cuz of that:(
I'm just curious...i have 2 sisters one older and one younger. I'm stuck in the middle. I sometimes wish i was an only child, my sisters sometimes yells at me for doing something dumb. Example and on Big sister: Bigsis: Noemy give back the 5 dollars Me:What? No you gave it to me! Bigsis: I want it back NOW! Me: No!It's mine to late Bigsis: GIVE IT NOW NOEMY IM SERIOUS Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ( shout really loud u wouldn't wanna here) Example on little sister: Me:Haha your a loser teehee just kidding! lilsis: THAT WASN'T NICE!!! Me: Sorry! I'll take it back just don't- (lil sis kick me in the shin) Me:OWWW DON'T DO THAT!!! lil sis: WHO CARES??? Me: GET OUT OF MY ROOOM Lilsis: MAKE ME ( I hate that line) lilsis: Ooohhh 'm bad im touching noemy's kingdom hearts stuff It's annoying... What are you only child or with brothers or sisters...
That's embarssing lol i couldn't believe my name was there. *cough* Embarssing... this is weird.
A Larxene story much more different then the Story of Rodul... I'm starting from her past to now... The Story of Arlene Is it over? Is the pain gone? Is my world completly gone? Where's my mother? Wasn't she here a minute ago? Is she dead? Am I dead? I only remember one thing, a flash of lights coming towards me and my mother. A horn honking as we stare to the light flashing directly at us. I don't really get it. Where am I now? On the concrete lying dead? Or up in heaven in the sky in the blue resting peacefully? I heard a soft mumble coming through my ears. The sound of my...father. I slowly opened my eyes, only seeing a blurr of 5 people standing around me. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, so I could see clearer. There they were, my four brothers and my father. Dave,Radius, Arc and the quiet one Greg. I tried to speak but no words could come out. My father quickly hugged me, before i knew it. I heard a soft mumble and sounds of tears. He then whispered, " I'm glad your okay, your a lucky girl, my daughter, my baby angel of all!" I couldn't understand, what is he talking about. Until it came back, a white flash came into my eyes, giving me a blnk stare. I looked around and too my father off of me. "Where's mom..?" I asked. My brothers turned around and put they're head down, facing the floor. My Dad looked into my eyes and slowly said, " She's...dead." My eyes widened and i shook my head. "No..No...NO!!" I shook my head even more, trying to snap out of it. "NOOO she's not dead!!!Your lying!!!Lying!!!!Imbecile!Liar!!!" I shouted. I had tears run down my face, drip, drip and drip again repeatedly. "Sweety she's dead there's nothing to do!" My dad said. I shook my head and kicked my feet into the air. ''NOOO" ~4 years later ~ I have been completely different, it's been four years since my mothers death of a car accident. My brothers have been bullying me this year, only one didn't. I'd just see him sitting on a branch of a tree watching me getting bullied. I can't stand Radius,Dave and Arc! They're annoyying. My older sister is coming to visit us. I'm hoping my brothers won't bother me, while her visit. I walked down the stairs heading to the kitchen, I heard my brother Radius and Arc fighting for the cereal again. It's always that. As i entered the kitchen i saw them fighting. "NO!!! I get the Cereal!!!" Radius shouted. "Wait guys stop fighting!" My brother Dave called. The two stopped and stared at Dave annoyed. Dave gave a sly glare. "Why don't you just take Arlene's cereal? He he work's for me!" He called. I frowned. "Why mines? Can't you just-" "Good idea! I'm stealing Arlene's cereal!!!" Radius shouted. I looked to the ground, and felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw my brother Greg. "You can take mines...i'm not hungry anyway." He whispered. I rubbed my temples and nodded. "Thanks Greg." He walked off as i walk to the table and took Greg's plate. I ate quietly, while I heard my brothers rant and hear they're munches and crunches from the chewing. It was annoying. I walked out the door with my brother Greg, he always walks me to school. I looked to him and said, " How come you weren't hungry?" He looked to me and stopped from walking. "I just felt bad for you." He said I nodded. That's it, hope ya like's short and stuff. Sorry for any spelling mistakes...:)
ohh*gasp* sometimes when i dont talk in class...i can't seem to talk when i try to, it's like s soft voice coming through but mostly i dont talk because i dont wanna get in trouble or talk to anyone. I love writing.....*cough*:D
getting carried away with writing assignments? That happens to me also...but then my teacher takes my paper away because the period is over. Man i love writing...i get all fantasy of medival in them or any othersxD:D
haven't failed a test*gasp* Wow that's very good! Better than me, i failed many test only in science though it's hard and i will never get it *sigh*
i'm listening to Sum 41~ We're all to Blame:D
Yeah i get shy to ask questions i feel like their gonna do me..*shivers* But i sometimes dont ask because it'd kinda make the work harder the way they explain it hurts my head:(
That was funny! I laughed when the wan came over!:D *laughs hysterically*
me too i talk alot near my friends..well few friends..some think they're my friends... im not smart at times i don;t listen sometimes cuz im in the zone of my day dream :D:D:D
Lots of people do that in my class lol It's nice looking out the window....*smacks own head* wise cracks? which one if the best? :Dlol
I love colouring in school for some reasons makes me sing in the head... im quiet but some teachers in the past weere rude to me they're all like In attendance in grade five i only raised my hand until the teacher got frustrated and gave me a mad face Teacher: Noemy you gotta say here! Not just that hand everyday! Say something!!!!" Noemy:*shakes head.* Teacher: YES!!!*sighs**continues attendance* That was the worst...all the teachers are like that in grade 6 my language teacher I always kept my hand over my mouth. teacher: Noemy take your hand down! ANd listen!!! Noemy: Puts hand down*thinks...of thats just perfect another record going straight!
20 lunch detentions! OMG wow thats alot a teacher has to understand what the students are going through... i do wish they talk about something we have in mind like shows, games books manga's anime stuff but no they talk about boring subjects *throws book off* i have a organization XIII picture in my agenda i always look at it giving a grin:D